Posted by Jennie Orlando on May 09, 1998 at 17:31:47:
In Reply to: This is Kit, Jennie posted by Kit on May 09, 1998 at 04:18:29:
: : Kit,
: : Welcome to The Forum! We really hope that you will return and chat with some of us before disappearing again into the mists of time and space!
: : If you would not mind, please email me directly by going up to the highlighted name on top of this page, click and you can either write down my email address from the bottom of the screen or please leave us your email address when you post by filling out the email section beneath your name entry.
: : We really are a nice group here...and wouldn't mind having you come over to chat with us on Byron Chat, Tuesday evenings 8 pm Eastern Standard Time US/ 6 pm Pacific Standard Time/ 2 am London...we have no clue where you are from!!!
: : Hope to chat with you soon!
: : Jennie Orlando
: Hello and Thank you Jennie,
: I would love to give you an address where you can reach me, but that is impossible. My friend allows me access now and then, I don't think he will appreciate if I gave out his address. Just started watching B5 and I wanted to get into it. This looked like a good place to start. Thank you for your welcome, if I can I will try to come often.
: Meanwhile, you can talk to me through the story.
: I will try to talk to you later.
: Kit
Hey Kit!
So glad to hear from you!
Ok! There are some shortcuts to getting your own email address free...that way you would not be giving your friends' email address (if you have access to Netscape,, et those of us on hotmail get our messages instantly!)
OH! Where the heck are you from? (I like to keep track of who's from the States/Canada/UK etc) Does your friend watch (and like) B5 as well? Who's your fav character? What do you think of honest!
Have you been to any B5 or SciFi Conventions?
Looking forward to hearing from you again!
Jennie Orlando!