Posted by Muriel Moore on July 31, 1998 at 23:08:31:
In Reply to: Re: A TRILOGY posted by BYRON on July 31, 1998 at 09:07:55:
: : : A Trilogy
: : : Soul Divine
: : : Come down, O Love divine,
: : : Seek thou this soul of mine,
: : : And visit it with thine own ardour glowing;
: : : O comforter, draw near,
: : : Within my heart appear,
: : : And kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing.
: : : O let it freely burn,
: : : Till earthly passions turn
: : : To dust and ashes in its heat consuming;
: : : And let thy glorious light
: : : Shine ever on my sight,
: : : And clothe me round, the while my path illuminating.
: : : Let holy charity
: : : Mine outward vesture be,
: : : And lowliness of heart,
: : : Which takes the humbler part,
: : : And over it零 shortcomings weeps with loathing
: : : Next......
: : : Trees
: : : Of all the tree that grow so fair,
: : : Old England to adorn,
: : : Greater are none beneath the sun,
: : : Than Oak and Ash and Thorn.
: : : Next ......
: : : Rights
: : : Its nice to meet serious people
: : : And hear them explain their views;
: : : Your concerns for the rights of women
: : : Is especially welcome news.
: : : I雋 sure you would never exploit one;
: : : I expect you would rather be dead;
: : : I am thoroughly convinced of it,
: : : Now , can we go to bed?
: : : End
: : Purple applauds Good poetry :)
: I'm amazed Papa!
: The first reminds me of a hymn, as does the last. M