Posted by Jennie Spencer, Pres on August 09, 1998 at 20:43:47:
In Reply to: RAD DAD posted by the REAL Mary on August 09, 1998 at 15:41:29:
: I wrote you an email not long ago. I never heard back.
: I am wondering if you got it, read it, ignored it,
: burned it, ate it, or what it.(G)
: Also, I'm still quite clueless about the Java thingy
: I apparently need to visit the chat.
: Anyone understand these things?
: Thanks,
: Mary
Hi! Welcome to Robin's website! The Java thingy is quite tricky. You need to be running on at least a 486DX or faster, using Windows 95 (don't bother with Windows ' isn't worth it! Buggy...what else do you expect from Bill Gates?)
Pentiums are a good thing! But it doesn't necessarily get you in or keep you in our chat!
We are using a free chat service ....and so are thousands, if not millions of other people at the same time...hence, the disconnects or inability to ever get in at all.
If I can help in any way, please email me. I can always ask my little tech team! After all, we want you to have fun here!
Jennie Spencer
RAD FanClub