Posted by Jeffrey on February 01, 1999 at 08:25:15:
In Reply to: Re: Chesapeake Bay Connection\Baltimore High Street/And This Fair Isle posted by Purpy on January 31, 1999 at 22:57:28:
Purpy of the big hugs,
I know , I know of you and your respected gent Kudos of your love for him and of much else and my intention as always, Purpy was of honourable nature.
My regards to Kudy, I can say little else as I have not met the gentleman
: Oh My! This was just a simple invitation to the father of RAD to sometime come and meet me and we'd have a nice time talking and stuff like that. No physical attraction here for I do have my beloved Kudos....
: :
: : How Come, How Come we are involved in such platitudes over the French Connection. Can it be that huggy Purpy is after all out to top this gent.
: : Or is that Wen is a stauch supporter of Balti and all that it stands for, and for that matter I ask of her what on earth does Balti have.
: : Take care you two of the fairer sex, for my whilst my barriers are low in respect, I may turn upon you both with unbelievable malice.
: : Whats that I hear, a thread going wrong, no no, tis just I testing the waters, and to see if you are of the stuff that real women are made of
: :
: : : Oh sweet Purpy,
: : : Is this invitation to the fecund sire of our most gentle host, or to this, oh so humble, Baltimoron?
: : : For I be most certain that the aforementioned Sire would be a far better dinner companion than I.
: : : Wen ;-))
: : : ===
: : : : Well, You could come farther south and Kudos and I could treat you to some fabulous seafood and a view of the ocean
: : : : :)
: : : : Purpy smiles
: : : :
: : : : : Oh Jeffrey, boldness art thou middle name,
: : : : : Bud is short for Budweiser.... a "beer," and I use that description loosely, which is very much beloved of my kinfolk....
: : : : : While I prefer the somewhat softer beverage of Coca Cola with my greasy crabcakes and saltines....
: : : : : Wen
: : : : : ====
: : : : : : Wen
: : : : : : If I may be so bold.
: : : : : : Saltines I am familiar with but a Bud.... well I guess it is one of those ghastly tins that Andy painted so well, each one a different soup
: : : : : :
: : : : : : : Then again you can sit beside the Baltimore harbour with a greasy crabcake, Saltines and a Bud and watch the polluted water slide by.....
: : : : : : : Wendy ;-))