Posted by Thumper on February 28, 1999 at 10:37:08:
In Reply to: Re: IS IT REALLY RACIALISM OR IS IT US .... posted by JEFFREY on February 28, 1999 at 01:43:47:
To add to the animal reasoning, I deal a lot with horses and actually do see them dislike other horses of a certain colour. An example is my Appaloosa mare. She does not like horses who are white (called grays). I think she would be devestated to look in a mirror and find she is one herself except for her spots.
As a very young child I remember a 'black' family moving into our neighbourhood. The first ones. My explanation for thier different skin colour was simply 'they're all dirty' (my mother was very embarrased as I exclaimed this very loudly). I was never told to stay away from them. But I find these days my thoughts change. Canada is very diverse in cultures and we see everything. I think maybe we are feeling our culture is being threatened by the vast immigration of other cultures. I have many friends of different colours and when I look at them, I don't see that we are different.
As for your comment on the women looking each other up and down, I believe that most women feel that they have to prove themselves. Women have had to fight for the vote and in the work force. It has become nature (for some) to continue the battle to be near the top. Maybe they judge a woman they have just met to determine what level she is at and if she is a threat to her life style.
My two cents worth.
: Mary, Mary,
: Can we get the animal reasoning dealt with firstly, please.
: I understand your point but as a keen follower of nature in all its forms I have noticed how lions and others are selective of their partners, and outsiders are certainly not welcome. I am of the opinion that they, meaning nearly all are caring of their place of living, and some go to great lengths to ensure their privacy.
: As nature instructs the flower to reproduce so it does the animal, in the form of an inborn instinct to survive.
: I was more than interested to read of your references to colour and culture for in a previous posting I have tried to explain my reasoning.
: Culture is hand in hand with nations, and usually some of these nations are different in colour.
: May I suggest that it is a root problem that so called whites will not accept both, namely colour and culture, as it is either the culture or the colour that offends.
: No person should ever suggest that they be changed either, for without culture we would all be in a sorry state
: Colour is the problem although the youth of today do not see it as much as their parents.
: It is natural for a parent to counsel and advise and I trust you will agree that most will try and guide their off spring to a balanced colour in say marriage. Why?, because the parent knows that society creates the rules by which we live, and this is my very point, we are that society.
: Your experiences at school are indeed of a pleasant nature but from the way you write I guess that the experience you talk of was some years ago.
: May I comment on your statements with regard to colour and people.
: The female species of human beings is notorious for exactly what you say. I have yet to meet two women or introduce one to another without each with a searching gaze, assessing each other from head to toe.
: Why is this.
: Jeffrey
: : Jeffrey,
: : You don't ask easy questions, do you?
: : Unfortunately, many people ask these same questions, but I still have never heard a proper response. Humans are quite complicated beings. We are given the alledged gifts of intelligence and reason, and we have yet to use these gifts to their full potential. And, unfortunately, even though many people use these gifts for good, too many people use the same gifts for evil. We call other animals 'dumb beasts', but those dumb beasts don't worry much about each other's color or where they were born.
: : I didn't realize that this was such a big issue in England right now but it has been an issue around where I live my whole life.
: : My favorite personal story of dealing with such nonsense is from when I was in the third grade. I had always been told that black people were bad and to never associate with them. I also never got an answer when I asked 'why'. When I started the third grade, our all white school finally opened it's doors to non-whites. Well, instead of doing what I was told (which I have never been very good at doing), I went up to the black kids and told them that I had been told not to play with them because they were black. They said they had also been told not to play with us because we were white. So, after a good laugh, we all decided that the adults were crazy and we bacame friends for life.
: : To this day, I find that I don't even seem to see in color. When people will make a reference to someone by their color, I always have to stop and think of what they are talking about. I have met many people from just about every background, and the only time I really even think of their color, nationality or whatever is when I want to learn more about their culture. And other than learning about how other people live, I still can't see what all of the fuss is about.
: : You are also very right that it is not just an issue of black and white. I have observed that for some very strange reason, people need to make themselves feel good by pointing out other's differences and making it seem that those differences are a bad thing. And, if you take away color as a difference, they would just find something else. And, if you kept taking away the differences, and the only difference between them and someone else was the color of their shirts, then they would find a way to say the other person was bad because they wore a blue shirt instead of a red one. Go figure.
: : Ok, now I guess I should get off of my soapbox before this turns into a novel.
: : Mary
: :
: : : Is It Really Racialism Or Is It Us ............
: : :
: : : At this time England is locked in debate over Racialism. Black and white as it is called, but there are many colours and creeds which fall into the category if it be a category at all.
: : :
: : : I am of the opinion that those of us that are white, so called, are as guilty as those others of the accusation.
: : : Why is it that each time controversy over the black and white issue occurs, we so called whites are found to be lacking in respect and manners and normal behaviour?
: : :
: : : I am ashamed for those that claim to be white, with self opinionated, clear cut prejudices which I suggest we all are guilty of, both black and white.
: : :
: : : Within any nation there are those whom cause trouble for troubles sake and these people I personally abhor. Perhaps they have good reason to do so but seldom if so, do we hear of it.
: : :
: : : It is indeed a very cruel world, however that gives none of us the selfish right to take the law into our own hands and behave as we wish.
: : :
: : : Like it or not there are lines of behaviour that our self created social society demands. The crossing of these lines without authority is clearly wrong, and if we do so, then we should expect the penalties that go with such behaviour.
: : : Sad Jeffrey