Posted by BYRON on March 06, 1999 at 07:04:33:
In Reply to: CINEMAFANTASTIQUE - MACHIDA posted by Wen on March 06, 1999 at 01:29:03:
: To One and All,
: In case anyone is interested. In the lasted issue (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Cover) of Cinemafantastique magazine there is a four picture spread of "Our Hero" as Machida. There are three candid and one posed.
: Man, that costume when ALL THEY WAY DOWN. I would've needed intravenous valium to do that!
: All the best,
: Wen ;-))
YES,,, valium would have helped... It took them 4 1/2 hours to put it on!
The first day I sat around in that suit for 16 hours!!!!
It took a great deal of concentration to relax....
also the contacts were like snake eyes with slits...
so it was virtually impossible to see out of them...
And then there was the teeth....
I still had a great time though...
Too bad the lines got cut... Machida was supposed to return in
several episodes...
Thanks for the info Wen... I should announce these kinds of things
on the site....
Talk to Ya