Posted by Wen on April 09, 1999 at 01:45:38:
In Reply to: Horatio Hornblower? posted by Sharon on April 09, 1999 at 01:22:06:
I looked through the cast listing and no Robin. Sorry, From what it looked like they used the RSC as a casting pool..... :)
Wendy ;-))
: At last my voice is heard from the Canadian wilderness! I hope you have all been well including, of course, our illustrious leader. I'm sorry not to have kept in more frequent touch with everyone. I have still been dropping by to read postings here, but just have been finding life too hectic to have posted or dropped by the chats.
: Anyway, I may have Robin on the brain too much (but how can that be a bad thing!), but I could have sworn that in the first movie of the Horatio Hornblower series (called The Duel) airing on A & E that in one scene I saw Robin. The person I saw was rowing in a boat and was seen just behind the actor playing HH. It was the hair (and a brief glimpse of the face) that had me doing a double take. The scene takes place early on in the movie in the first hour or so (I think). Not many credits at the end of the movie considering the number of actors in it and so I wasn't to check that way.
: So how about it, Robin, were you involved in the filming of this movie? If not, it was your stunt double! :-)
: Also, Robin, if you already posted about this before or someone already asked you about it, sorry for the repeat.