Posted by Wen on July 07, 1999 at 23:25:44:
In Reply to: Re: Dragon*Con 1999 posted by Scott on July 07, 1999 at 13:38:00:
Hi Scott,
Sorry I didn't meet you too!. Though you probably saw me I was running around alot working for the con. Tall, brown hair w/blond streaks, big glasses and I dug out all my best necklaces :)....
I had a good time typing for Wayne Alexander during the his computer CHAT. Mira Furlan was there as well and she was really, really nice. I also met Peter Jurasek, who's one of the sweetest people on the planet. RAD was nice too! But he didn't show up for his CHAT and I had talked them into letting me type for him! Aw well the best laid plans if mice and Krals.....
I wasn't paying enough attention to my fluid intake and almost passed out from dehydration, literally, at Jason Carter's feet. I was getting an autograph and had to clutch the table and mutter something about passing out. He said, and I think this is right, "Your energy levels are out of balance." I walked over to the VIP services and curled up on their couch and forced fluids for an hour. I still don't feel all that great, but I'll live. It's hot as hell here.... it's been 100-102F since I got back. Here is Washington, DC.
The final B5 panel on Sunday was fun, though RAD was looking a little rough... (g) Too much partying or too little sleep, I suspect!
Chat later, work beckons..... :)
Wen ;-0)
: Hi Wen,
: I had a good time down in Atlanta, but I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you! I talked with Robin a couple of times and he introduced me to Holly, but I didn't get to meet anyone else from here on the Bryon web site. Oh well, maybe next year.
: Yea, I think Robin gave the proper answer to that most unusual question.
: I wish I could be in the chat Thursday night so that we could discuss DragonCon, but I'll be in Dayton, Ohio for PULPCON! I hope to be in the chat the following Thursday, however.
: Scott
: : Hi Gang!
: : I had an interesting time in Atlanta...... (If you call almost passing out from dehydration at Jason Carter's feet fun, but at least he was sympathetic:)
: : Don't have time to go into details now, but sometime you must get Robin to tell you all a little anecdote he told during one panel ...... It involves a question and I'd say he made major brownie points with the answer....
: : Ta,
: : A very busy Wen,
: : Wen ;-))