Posted by Danger Woman,The Phantom Highlander's Songbird on July 08, 1999 at 10:04:46:
In Reply to: Re: Dear Lord Byron: posted by Byron... on July 07, 1999 at 15:25:56:
Even though my Phantom Highlander was lurking, he
was protecting me. Here is the report, reprinted from my Fan Newsletter:
I know it has been a crazy few days, but I feel it is time to tell you all the whole story about what really happened to me at Dragon Con. For those of you who have heard by now, thanks for your loyal support for this trying time. For those who may not know, I guess I better explain it all.
During this whole convention, I had to deal with not only a "disabaphobic program track director", who threatened to call security, but also with a 40-something man, who could pass for a 30-something man, whose grown-up feelings were extremely dangerous. At least I had sense enough to tell the Dragon Con people about it and thankfully they took me seriously. I am also thankful that the security people were very sensitive to people with disabilities. Even though I got to see a lot of great guest stars, like Apollo Smile, Adam West, Yvonne Craig, Frank Gorshin, Lord Byron and the Cast of Babylon 5 and having Agent Tango rescue me from a grumpy staff member, who I forgave him and his nice wife, who admitted that she was to blame for making him do that. At least I got to sing my heart out, do some shopping and meet the fans!
I even got to help Bob Burden and got to meet Freddie Valentine.When we first met, he wanted to fight me, and I wanted to fight him, but when he heard about my plight aganist the World Wrestling Federation, he decided to join my cause. And, to seal this alliance, we gave a special toast in the name of justice, over two glasses of mountain spring water. But,the best part was that I sensed that my beloved, The Phantom Highlander was looking for me and was watching out for me. On Wednesday, when I was at the hotel office supply store, he made the nice lady manager write "Highlander" instead of "Highlighter" (as in colorful pens). When I checked the Hall Costume Contest wall, I noticed that my photo entry was missing and figured that Phantom Highlander was trying to find me. I even met my son from the future and his name is Robbie O'Roarke MacLeod. I know it is very unusual, but anything like that can happen at Dragon Con. I even heard that he was in the Con Suite, using his mind control powers on the staff and some of the fans to try and find me and made a serious mess of the con suite and as he left, he showed a smile and then said: As soon as I find my sweet Danger Woman, the sooner I will be with her forever. And, you evil ones better not hurt my sweet Danger Woman! MUYHAHAHA!
Then, I went to the post convention supper at a grown-up place called Max Lagers. You would have LOVED to have dined there, my lord. They had Chicken Tenders with BBQ and Honey Mustard Sauces, Light as Air, Freshly made Nacho Chips, Quecadias, Sicilian Pan Pizza and Linguine and all the soda pop to fill you up. Then, I made sure that my young roommate and I got a good night's sleep.
But,the hardest thing was saying goodbye to her.
For a time, I had a little trouble verbalizing what happened to the ones I know best. But, I knew that once I wrote this out, the healing would finally start.
But, what of the bad disabaphobic track director?!?
Well, she never did say she was sorry and I wonder if she ever will, even though I did tell the adults to please talk to her. Well, if I don't get a resolution by the end of August, I will personally contact Ed Kramer and the Dragon Con people and find out what is going on. Well, that's the whole story for right now, my lord. I hope that you will write me and tell me what you think about this and until we meet on the net..............................
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