Getting new posters

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Posted by Mish (not related to Ish) on April 11, 1998 at 03:29:09:

Hi folks - one thing I think would help to get people
to respond and post is maybe opening up some topics
for discussion. I think this page is a little
intimidating because everyone already seems to know
each other or is related.....:) I find it a little
intimidating myself (particulary when no one responds
to my messages....but I get over it...:))

So a new person, might feel a little left out of the
loop or unsure as to what to post since the other
messages are a little hard to understand without being
in the circle...

So - let's see - what should we discuss....
mmmmm....I'd like to know more about Robins interest
in poetry - if it was a life long thing..or recent with
Byron in his life......

And Jeffrey - what about you... can we see a photo?

Many regards
Remembering Byron

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