Posted by Eilan on September 30, 19100 at 04:20:34:
Well, I haven't been to chat in a couple of weeks but I've had various things happen since we last spoke! Good news first. You all know plenty about my little 7 month old niece Olivia...well...she's started crawling in the last few weeks! :) In the words of Kosh... "And so it begins" Fun times! I may or may not get to see her this weekend. I've got a couple of papers to finish up and a lesson plan to make up for next week. My first teaching experience! I'm so nervous. Wish me luck! for the sad news. My little Discus *Little Blue* sadly passed away last night. :( He's not been doing so well since he moved into my apartment with me, I got him some medicine but it didn't help much and he finally went. I worked so hard to make him made me so sad to see him go. *sob* but there was nothing that I could do. Well, that's it for me. There's a pretty good chance that I'll make it to chat next time but I'm not making any promises yet. See ya then if I can!