Posted by Telepath Fan on November 26, 19100 at 13:41:58:
In Reply to: Re: Dear Elly: posted by Danger Woman, The Phantom Highlander's Songbird on November 24, 19100 at 21:35:16:
: : : : : : : I feel that now that I calmed down, I should explain things better. In case you may have heard by now, Ed Kramer, the one who made Dragon Con such an adventure, was arrested this week on child molestation charges.
: : : : : : : I do not know if this has been talked about in your chat, but I feel that you all should know what is going on and hope that you all will come back to Dragon Con next year for my birthday celebration.
: : : : : : : DANGER WOMAN
: : : : : : We didn't hear of this, thank you for telling us.
: : : : : : Poor fellow, maybe you should do a command performance for him.
: : : : : Do not worry. I will make sure that he does get justice. Even if it means fighting for an all-disabled jury.
: : : : : DANGER WOMAN
: : : : Ok what do people with disabilities have to do with the fact that he was arrested on charged of child molestation? Sorry girls, I'm a hypocrite. Couldn't hold my tongue on this one.
: : : : Eily
: : : Well, it is a judicial thing. I do not think that you know this, but I have been observing the judicial system and I do know that they have disababphobia in the jury selection process.
: : : And, I just gotten word that the indictment is official, which means that I might get subpeonaed about it.
: : : Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
: : Ok I still don't see what this has to do with disability. Does this man have one and you are afraid that he will be convicted because of this? What does disability have to to with a child molestation case? This is all I am asking.
: I will explain further. According to what one of my connections at Dragon Con told me, Ed has had some serious nerological problems that may require some serious surgery. Not only that, these problems might be very bad and may kill him unless he gets treatment.
: He was supposed to get an MRI, but I have NOT heard anything from anyone since they made the indictment official this month.
: I also know that in Gwinnett County, Georgia, the disabaphobia is everywhere.
: It has poisoned everyone, from the county commission to the entire school system.
: It also has poisoned the judicial system and the media covering Ed Kramer's trial.
: I know from this and one of my brother's old schoolmates, because he was denied the right to a free and appropriate education and was denied the right to even go to the prom.
: Plus, his family cast him out, which really made me very angry.
: Not only that, I also blamed the commission for NOT supporting mass transit 10 years ago, which led to their downfall 8 years ago.
: But, I am happy to say that they are trying to make amends on this mess.
: Well, I hope this explain things.
: Take care.
Nope, sure confused me further.... Just go do a command performance for him, so he'll feel better knowing someone cares for the poor fellow....