Posted by Eilan on December 02, 19100 at 04:32:00:
In Reply to: We have a Belated Birthday posted by Purps on December 01, 19100 at 00:18:26:
: Purps ties a gag gently around Dangerwoman's mouth, and a rope around her body so she can't move.....
: "Shush I'll do the singing so just sit there and act cute.
: Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you!"
: Purps releases DW. No need for a command performance, unless you go visit whatsisname who was in jail.... He is the one who needs you more.
Woo hoo Purps!
Ok, other than my b-day whose did we miss? I turned 21 Friday, November 24th. :)