Posted by Eilan on December 12, 19100 at 04:36:17:
In Reply to: White Christmas posted by Thumper on December 10, 19100 at 00:31:15:
: Looks like we're going to have a white Christmas this year! Got lots of snow last night. Dummy me was driving in it too! Things I do to ride a horse.
: It's very cold up here. Don't worry snowbird, I won't share - even though I'd be happy to if you really wanted!
: Hope all of you are doing well on your holiday shopping. I only have a few more to get.
: Rufus has been hogging the bed lately - at least I get to keep my toes warm. He's also loving his dog advent calendar. I have it hanging up on the wall and he waits under it to remind me to give him his daily treat.
: Hope some more of you can come by and chat on Thursday night.
: Warm fuzzies (and long underwear)
: Thumper
Hey gals!
It's snowing in the great state of Missouri! It's about 20 degrees outside with the windshield and all. Even though I don't live too far from campus I think I'm going to catch the bus to save my hands from freezing. They get all wet from wheeling on the sidewalks and my gloves don't help any. I'm at work now and watching the snow fall through the window in front of me. Very pretty!!!!! But yeah, definitely taking the bus home. I'll try to be in chat Thursday! Today was my one and only final so I have no excuse not to come since classes are over and all. Hi from Pickles the parakeet, Spikey poo and the fishies!