Posted by Purple on April 18, 1998 at 01:34:52:
In Reply to: Re: Robin played joke posted by Jennie Orlando on April 18, 1998 at 00:40:15:
: : : : : Ok, we had a short earlier run of what part we would like to see Robin, my question is what part would YOU like to be playing opposite Robin...could be live theatre, tv, movie; whatever your hearts' desire....
: : : : : the Instigator!
: : : : His Father, thats who Robin would like to play against, why, that's simple I was on the stage many moons before him, and I above all others can handle his eyes, 2 minututes and he cracks up.
: : : : We are awfully good at Monologues also, you should get Robin to tell you : : : : Jeffrey : : : : : : Hm, so you can handle his eyes! After what he did to me at the Megacon....well! I shall learn to do the same! (Just how DO you do it, Jeffrey?!) : : : Jennie : : If I ever tried to "handle his eyes" I'd melt..... : Jennie leans across the table and whispers, : I recovered...after a long session of giggles. : The tape turned out quite well at that point! : Jennie Man I'd looove to see that tape:D
: : : Thanks Jeffrey!! HEY ROOOBBBBIN! Do tell us of the Monoglogues!
: : Do tell Jennie what did he do???
: : Purple leans forward with curiosity
: "Well, it was like this: I was videotaping Robins'
: presentation. He was standing most of the time on the
: right side of the room...I was on the front row, left
: side (my best friend was *right smack in front of him*!!)
: Half way through his oration...he realizes that he hasn't
: addressed the other side of the room. So he comes across
: in front of me. I was all comfy until he did that!
: Then I had to readjust the camera focus point and
: figure out a new position (to hold the camera in)...
: Whilst doing this...and looking thru the viewfinder...
: Robin comes in for a *real* closeup FROM OUT OF NOWHERE!!
: I nearly drop the camera...brand NEW camera, mind you!
: Then he walks away...(I will admit, the lights on this
: little box are BRIGHT!! Aren't they, Robin??!!)..smiling
: that little devilish grin of his...then he thinks to
: soften the shock by giving me a surfer "Hang Loose"...
: then manages to remember what I had taught him earlier...
: changes it into the ASL "I Love You" (general) sign.