Posted by Jennie Orlando on April 19, 1998 at 03:29:36:
In Reply to: Re: Really?? You like... posted by Jeffrey on April 18, 1998 at 19:33:28:
: : : : Jeffrey! You are...well...telepathy just cannot express!!
: : : : Wish that you had chat capability!! Darn!
: : : : Jennie
: : : Jennie
: : : Really!!.. Just a few words from my simple imaganitation and you are gone ... come on Jennie I may be a romantic but that's all, it takes a strong woman to hold me down.
: :
: : Jeffrey,
: : How strong a woman?? (You knew that I would ask!)
: : Jen
: : : Jeffrey
: Well Well Jen
: Jen is this what you liked to be called or was it a moment of indescretion. Just Let me know so as I know where I am Jen
: As to offending me Jennie probaly throght a posting I made I qualify a srong woman.
: This is a Lady with beauty of thought and of mind and a caring character, one whom understands and fulfills that part in a relationship in those terms only. Perhaps she sits down in the afternoon with a cup of Darjeeling tea at her desk and writes on pale pink paper to whom knows who and afterwards she goes into he garden, freshens up the floral decorations within the house. A lady to indeed be a litle scared of for she has deep thoughts yet she remains above all a Lady.
: Thats All Jennie
I do believe that all who look upon these words wish to see in themselves this Lady of whom you so eloquently presuade...yet, all possess this Lady within them should they wish it to be. She holds an aire of mystery, he knows all of her but this one...and he knows not to try to possess it, for it is so delicute and fragile that it would be crushed with a whisper.
We have all seen these same qualities of strength in was what attracted all of us to him. It was a charm which called to something within each of us, for we would not have answered without knowing of it ourselves. It is that sweetness which is so rich with vitality that it needs no words. It gently sweeps over us and we answer in return. We are of a Family, that which is the strength and the fire in us all.
All have benefitted from the diligent work and sacrifice of the One who created this opportunity to share and be received.
Moreover, all have found in you, dear Jeffrey, the little morsels which can feed our soul, fire our imaginations, and confuse or crush with little effort. Words are powerful tools. Use them wisely, good friend.
Jennifer, Jennie, Jen