Posted by Ceilidh on April 23, 1998 at 01:48:38:
In Reply to: Re: I don't believe that I MISSED you!! posted by sjso on April 22, 1998 at 15:15:01:
: : : : Jennie's eyes slowly glow to full brightness from a somebody say something out there?!
: : : Hello It's 8:15 AM and I wanted to say Hi again...:).
: : I was on the site briefly before getting ready for school....last day in Computer Graphics...Critique and Final Review.
: : It's 1:25 pm now...going to lunch, work with my ASL tutor on glossing, painting projects for Design I...might even stay
: : around, hang in the library and try some online chat later (early) evening...what cha say? I'll come back to forum and
: : ask who's there...what time is B5 on...7 or 8 EST?
: : Jennie Orlando
: : student dying for her art!
: : (now that can mean 2 things: the art is killing me *or* I'm really enjoying killing myself over it!)
: 8:15 AM!?!? Ye Gods Ladies..that's an unholy hour
: to be up and using the brain..I think best at about
: 10PM.
: sjso
: (NOT a morning person, unless there is a horse involved,
: and don't have to think then anyway)
: ;-D
sjso: I usually hay and water about 7am in my
sleep. It's amazing how I can incorporate the whinnies, snorts and kicks into my dreams! Then when I grain between 11:30 and 12:30, I'm actually awake. Thank goodness
I don't have to do it all the time!