Posted by JEFFREY on April 28, 1998 at 03:14:06:
In Reply to: Re: Are the CUSTOMERS ALWAYS RIGHT?! posted by Jennie Orlando on April 28, 1998 at 03:00:10:
: : : Hi Jeffrey & Sheer Panick!
: : : We know that you are working feverishly to accomplish many different things similtaneously. We applaud you for this valiant and overwhelming effort!
: : : For some time now we, the fans, have been recommending archiving old posts so that the reloads are quicker. More Fans will come and play if they can get into the site in a timely manner.
: : : We all want the very best for Robin and Sheer Panick...but what are Fans for if we cannot make you live up to your NAME?? (g)
: : : Just a thought,
: : : Jennie Orlando
: : Jennie
: : Fans are the very lifeblood of this site. Without you and others where would we be?
: : If you draw a comparison with an army going into battle, you have the following, Head Quarters where the plan of battle is discussed, various surbordinate Officers and then they in turn have their Officers. Each is in charge of a particular element of the battle to come, and all are controlled by the HQ company.
: : In this way perfect teamwork is achceived and changes of tacticts can easily be effected, and even if such changes are made by the HQ company this does not effect the success, for it is still carried out in a teamwork like manner
: : You would be surprised at the various things that are in hand and you mention one only, archiving, the storage of old records.
: : Old records are usually of little use apart from that to the owner of the site Robin, Doctor Rock is on this matter and this was highlighted many weeks ago.
: : The Site you will have noticed is still under build which indicates to you that things are still to come.
: : What do you mean by your comment " What are Fans for if WE cannot keep you to your name "???
: : Jennie I would have thought with your experiece you would realise that here we have a site that has leapt forward and continues to do so .. this means it is being promoted.
: : In other words the Military situation I have illustrated is commencing and there is no point in a group of Officers arranging a battle if they sit with plans maps etc .. but no Army
: Sorry Jeffrey,
: I'm running on half a brain cell at present and having to import the rest! It was a tease...we know that all of you are busy...we've not heard from you or Doc Rock in some time so we knew that something was afoot!
: You have some folks who have volunteered to help you from afar! Is this part of the Army of which you speak or are you speaking of THE FANS???
: Well, must get ready for some exams...or a power nap!
: Jennie Orlando
: standing by!
Hey its ok .. I