The Title of This Forum

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Posted by Amethyst on April 30, 1998 at 03:17:06:

How come the of the forum is The Official Barry Lee Wing Chun Forum?<p>Just wondered.<p>There was a man called Barry Lee Wing Chun<br>At street fighting he was number one<br>He honoured his dad and loved his mum<br>But never got round to having fun<p>That was supposed to be a limerick but his name was just too long...<p>There was a young man called Barry Lee<br>The toughest boy you ever did see<br>But he grew his hair long<br>And wrote poems and songs<br>And a telepath he turned out to be<p>I thank you<p> <br> <br><hr size=7 width=75%><p> <a name="followups">Follow Ups:</a><br> <ul><!--insert: 938--> </ul><!--end: 938--> <br><hr size=7 width=75%><p> <a name="postfp">Post a Followup</a><p> <form method=POST action=""> <input type=hidden name="followup" value="938"> <input type=hidden name="origname" value="Amethyst"> <input type=hidden name="origemail" value=""> <input type=hidden name="origsubject" value="The Title of This Forum"> <input type=hidden name="origdate" value="April 30, 1998 at 03:17:06"> Name: <input type=text name="name" size=50><br> E-Mail: <input type=text name="email" size=50><p> Subject: <input type=text name="subject" value="Re: The Title of This Forum" size=50><p> Comments:<br> <textarea name="body" COLS=50 ROWS=10> : How come the <title> of the forum is The Official Barry Lee Wing Chun Forum? : Just wondered. : There was a man called Barry Lee Wing Chun : At street fighting he was number one : He honoured his dad and loved his mum : But never got round to having fun : That was supposed to be a limerick but his name was just too long... : There was a young man called Barry Lee : The toughest boy you ever did see : But he grew his hair long : And wrote poems and songs : And a telepath he turned out to be : I thank you </textarea> <p> Optional Link URL: <input type=text name="url" size=50><br> Link Title: <input type=text name="url_title" size=48><br> Optional Image URL: <input type=text name="img" size=49><p> <input type=submit value="Submit Follow Up"> <input type=reset> <p><hr size=7 width=75%> <center>[ <a href="#followups">Follow Ups</a> ] [ <a href="#postfp">Post Followup</a> ] [ <a href=""> The Official Byron Public Forum</a> ]</center> </body></html>