Posted by Karen Harrell on March 06, 1998 at 17:20:38:
Here is the transcript of the chat on March 5th with Patricia Tallman and Robin Atkin Downes. It is a long one. Unfortunatly, I have not been able to get a transcript of the Comlink after they left the Auditorium. If it is possible to get one, I'll pass it along as well.
Thu Mar 5 15:04:16 1998: Moderator says, "TESTING... WELCOME!"
Thu Mar 5 15:04:56 1998: Moderator presents the speakers with question #127 from
test passed.
Patricia_tallman says, "test okay."
Robin_a_downes says, "test okay."
Moderator says, "In a few minutes the chat with Pat Tallman and Robin Atkin Downes will begin."
Patricia_tallman says, "Hi Honey"
Robin_a_downes says, "hey Pat..."
Robin_a_downes says, "how are you?"
Patricia_tallman says, "Good Show!"
Robin_a_downes says, "hello admin"
Robin_a_downes says, "hello mod..."
Robin_a_downes says, "]You tooo!!"
Patricia_tallman says, "What did you think?"
Robin_a_downes says, "hmm""
Patricia_tallman says, "Yes"
Robin_a_downes says, "okay..."
Robin_a_downes says, "yaaaaaaassssssssssssss"
Robin_a_downes says, "woooo"
Robin_a_downes says, "woopeee"
Patricia_tallman capers around Moderator.
Patricia_tallman capers around Moderator.
Robin_a_downes . o O ( what a babe )
Moderator says, " Hello everyone. I see the question have already stafted and our guests are getting antsy"
Patricia_tallman flirts with Robin_a_downes.
Patricia_tallman flirts with Robin_a_downes.
Robin_a_downes gives pat a wet kiss
Patricia_tallman says, "about time"
Robin_a_downes says, "ha"
Moderator says, "Welcome to the chat with Robin Atkin Downes adn Pat Tallman."
Moderator says, "Now let me look for a questin.."
Robin_a_downes says, "colorado baby..."
Patricia_tallman says, "soon"
Robin_a_downes says, "where is everyone mod?"
Patricia_tallman says, "being moderated"
Robin_a_downes says, "karen are you mod?""
Robin_a_downes says, "who is admin"
Patricia_tallman says, "nice"
Moderator says, "I got kicked off"
Robin_a_downes says, "yaass"
Robin_a_downes says, "damn"
Moderator says, "just a minute myu computer is rebuilding"
Patricia_tallman says, "Hey Wobbie"
Robin_a_downes kisses Patricia_tallman.
Patricia_tallman says, "how's Dad?"
Robin_a_downes says, "dad???"
Robin_a_downes says, "shit.."
Patricia_tallman says, "Jeffrey"
Robin_a_downes says, "ha ha"
Robin_a_downes says, "oh god..."
Robin_a_downes says, "he might be there..."
Patricia_tallman says, "cool!"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #130 from Jds532218: this is for Ms. Tallman: How do you feel about creating a character, seeing her dropped from the series, then re-instated? What changes did you make to Lyta, and did JMS clue you in on anything about her?
Patricia_tallman says, "Oh please!!!"
Patricia_tallman says, "Can we narrow this down!!!"
Robin_a_downes says, "ha ha"
Patricia_tallman says, " It was gutwrenching to loose the series"
Patricia_tallman says, " and a complete shock to come back..."
Patricia_tallman says, "much less to become a regular..."
Patricia_tallman says, "JMS and I worked hard to make Lyta believable this season"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #131 from Bruckner: How long have you been acting and what got you interested in it? For both Robin & Pat.
Patricia_tallman says, "it was very different..Lyta beling in Love."
Patricia_tallman says, "I've been acting since I was 15."
Robin_a_downes says, "i'm back..."
Patricia_tallman says, "I can't say I got interested. It just happened."
Patricia_tallman says, "Robin?"
Patricia_tallman says, "Are you there?"
Robin_a_downes says, "yes"
Moderator says, "I've been haveing computer glitched. Hopefully it will start working better now."
Robin_a_downes says, "darling"
Patricia_tallman says, "This question is for you too"
Moderator says, " next question?"
Robin_a_downes says, "are you there"
Robin_a_downes says, "I missed it computer crashed"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #134 from Bruckner: Pat -- Do you have a preference -- acting or stunt work?
Patricia_tallman says, "Robin, how did you get interested in acting?"
Robin_a_downes says, "when I was in boarding school""
Patricia_tallman says, "I feel I have done what I wanted to do as a stuntwoman..."
Robin_a_downes says, "I was six and played a suitor""
Patricia_tallman says, "and now I'm looking forward to achieving my goals as an actress."
Robin_a_downes says, "I was in love with penelope..."
Patricia_tallman says, "sweet!"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #163 from B5fanatic: How close is Byron to the actor Robin Downes? How much of the character is you, and how much is projected?
Robin_a_downes says, "nothing has changed.. except now I'm older and I love Lyta..."
Patricia_tallman says, "he is sosoooooo Byron!"
Robin_a_downes says, "the hair is mine...""
Patricia_tallman says, "She loves you too"
Patricia_tallman says, "what hair!"
Robin_a_downes says, "the accent is not as strong""
Moderator presents the speakers with question #166 from Alytneroon: Pat: As a working mother, have you found it more or less difficult caring for your children while working on B5?
Robin_a_downes says, "I love his Passion""
Patricia_tallman says, "Both>>"
Patricia_tallman says, "I have a very hard time with this crazy schedule>>"
Patricia_tallman says, "but I have more time off than most working Moms>>"
Patricia_tallman says, "and i can afford the down time right now."
Moderator presents the speakers with question #179 from Mustafa: For both guests: Did either of you play sports growing up and do you play any now?
Robin_a_downes says, "I love sports...."
Patricia_tallman says, "I dNot sports....Dance, all kinds"
Robin_a_downes says, "I just got back from playing basketball..."
Robin_a_downes says, "surfing volleyball..."
Patricia_tallman says, "And i love sword work."
Robin_a_downes says, "tennis"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #180 from Deano: To robin tell as Australian's about your character as we know little about you?
Robin_a_downes says, "god love er..."
Robin_a_downes says, "I dont't like fosters"
Patricia_tallman says, "just wait!!!He's amazing!"
Robin_a_downes says, "but I love vegemite!!!"
Patricia_tallman says, "You guys will love him!"
Robin_a_downes says, "and I love aussies"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #184 from Waywardflf: Pat and Robin, what is it about teeps that scares mundanes, from a teep POV?
Patricia_tallman says, "What we know."
Robin_a_downes says, "you've got it made surf ... aus is a beautifull country.."
Patricia_tallman says, "What they think we know"
Patricia_tallman says, "And what we could do with the info."
Robin_a_downes says, "what we KNOW!"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #186 from Rayjay: ( For mister downes) Did you know you would be playing Byron when you played that minbari in " In the Beginning"?
Patricia_tallman says, "oh honey"
Robin_a_downes says, "no"
Robin_a_downes says, "No idea..."
Moderator presents the speakers with question #191 from
A_treebeard: Last night's ep you were finally in black, not that pea colored jacket. It's taken a year since you complained to us. just HOW happy are you with the new duds?Robin_a_downes says, "they didn't cast byron until a couple months later..."
Patricia_tallman says, "love them"
Patricia_tallman says, "sooooo slimming!!"
Robin_a_downes says, "I love pat in anything..."
Robin_a_downes says, "he he..."
Patricia_tallman says, "and they added a new jacket..."
Patricia_tallman says, "you haven't seen yet."
Moderator presents the speakers with question #196 from Saille: Pat and Robin, do you believe in telepathy and other such talents?
Patricia_tallman says, "I also have>>>"
Robin_a_downes says, "yes, most definetely..."
Patricia_tallman says, "some kinky restraining wear coming up."
Patricia_tallman says, "yes"
Robin_a_downes says, "ooooooooooooo"
Patricia_tallman says, " it's latent in all humans"
Patricia_tallman says, "tp not restraining wear!"
Robin_a_downes says, "and teleconisis.... spelt wrong??"
Patricia_tallman says, "yep"
Patricia_tallman says, "but we get it sweetie"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #200 from Purple: Who is taller Pat or Robin?
Patricia_tallman says, "misspellings and all!"
Robin_a_downes says, "Me......"
Patricia_tallman says, "Wobbie!"
Robin_a_downes says, "6 foot 2in..."
Patricia_tallman says, "it's so nice!"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #198 from Alytneroon: Both: Sorry if this has been asked, but may I seriously ask how you prepared to film your now notorious scene together? It would be awkward to me
Robin_a_downes says, "but she would kick my ass!!"
Patricia_tallman says, "We rehearsed alot of our scenes, but that one>>"
Patricia_tallman says, "we just went with the flow!"
Robin_a_downes says, "come on now..."
Patricia_tallman flirts with Robin_a_downes.
Robin_a_downes )
Robin_a_downes licks Pat...
Moderator presents the speakers with question #205 from Anwenn: For PT do you know what role JMS had seen you in that made him think of you as Lyta - a brilliant choice I might add.
Patricia_tallman smiles at Robin_a_downes.
Patricia_tallman says, "yes"
Patricia_tallman says, " Barbara in Night of the Living Dead."
Patricia_tallman says, "and Thank you!"
Patricia_tallman smiles at Moderator.
Moderator presents the speakers with question #174 from Kaz: what do each of you do to keep in shape?
Robin_a_downes takes Pat in my arms and caresses her beautiful red hair... and kisses her gently on the cheek
Moderator presents the speakers with question #176 from K57: Robin What might we see you in other than Babylon 5?
Patricia_tallman says, "I work out as much as I can... chase my son around."
Robin_a_downes says, "work out... sports..."
Patricia_tallman smirks at Robin_a_downes.
Robin_a_downes says, "Buffy the Vampire slayer.."
Patricia_tallman says, "yeahh!!!"
Robin_a_downes says, "werewolf Reborn..."
Patricia_tallman says, " but you won't recognize him."
Robin_a_downes says, "ha..."
Moderator presents the speakers with question #177 from Jds532218: For Robin: A lot of people are comparing you to Marcus when the characters are obviously do you feel about that?
Robin_a_downes says, "Pats bathrobe..."
Patricia_tallman says, "oh please!"
Robin_a_downes says, "hmmm""
Patricia_tallman says, "It's just silly!"
Robin_a_downes says, "okay as long as the reason isn't the long hait"
Robin_a_downes says, "hair!!!"
Robin_a_downes says, "ha"
Patricia_tallman says, " I guess it 's inevitable"
Robin_a_downes says, "I thought he did a wonderful job on the show"
Robin_a_downes says, "so I guess it's a compliment"
Robin_a_downes says, "I am the very model..."
Moderator presents the speakers with question #216 from Scotsman: Pat, do you feel in any way that there might have been a chance for Lyta and Zack to get together prior to Byron's arrival? How would you have felt about Lyta and Zack, anyway?
Patricia_tallman says, "I think Zack missed his chance."
Patricia_tallman says, "Maybe Byron brought out some feelings>>"
Robin_a_downes says, "Too bad...for him..."
Moderator presents the speakers with question #188 from Cscott: Robin: Of the roles you played, which were your favourites?
Patricia_tallman says, "and Zack didn't recognize them untill too late."
Robin_a_downes says, "You're sweet..."
Robin_a_downes says, "stage or film??"
Robin_a_downes says, "film... definetely Byron..."
Robin_a_downes says, "stage Skinlad in Road and Richard the third..."
Robin_a_downes says, "I love Shakespeare!!!"
Robin_a_downes says, "in sooth!!! verily..."
Robin_a_downes says, "hmmm...."
Robin_a_downes says, "uh..."
Robin_a_downes hums a cheery tune.
Robin_a_downes hops around.
Moderator presents the speakers with question #225 from B5fanatic: Would Lyta let her non telepath friends get hurt to save Byron? Has Lyta become a model for a martyr as well??
Robin_a_downes relaxes.
Patricia_tallman says, "I'd love to see you do Shakespeare"
Patricia_tallman says, "Not a martyr>>"
Robin_a_downes says, "ahh stop...."
Robin_a_downes says, "realist???"
Patricia_tallman says, "That's the problem for'll see!!!"
Robin_a_downes says, "definetely a babe though..."
Moderator presents the speakers with question #206 from
Katyrnyn: What do you think about the existence of other living, thinking, feeling beings in our universe?Robin_a_downes says, "There must be...."
Robin_a_downes says, "we are stupid to think otherwise..."
Robin_a_downes says, "there are others... that hear the song we hear..."
Moderator presents the speakers with question #169 from Solitaire: Do you enjoy doing Sci-Fi series? I noticed both you and Julie Caitlin have also done STTNG - do you become "typecast" as sci-fi worthy?
Patricia_tallman says, "who i"
Patricia_tallman says, " that for?"
Patricia_tallman says, "Pat?"
Robin_a_downes says, "wha happen?"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #178 from Scotsman: Given the most recent episode, Robin, it would seem your character's ideals have been turned upside down, without spoilers, of course, would you suppose Byron's going to adopt a whole diferent approach for his group than his pacifistic endeavor?
Patricia_tallman says, "One could only hope!"
Robin_a_downes says, "must be you"
Patricia_tallman says, "stop!"
Robin_a_downes says, "whew...."
Robin_a_downes says, "long one""
Robin_a_downes says, "my sources say maybe...."
Robin_a_downes says, "maybe not... have to watch..."
Patricia_tallman grins at Robin_a_downes evilly.
Robin_a_downes says, "jms will kick my butt..."
Patricia_tallman says, "he loves that"
Robin_a_downes peers quizically off into space.
Robin_a_downes nudges Patricia_tallman in the side.
Patricia_tallman says, "you are doing great!"
Robin_a_downes gives a crisp military salute.
Robin_a_downes recoils in horror.
Robin_a_downes quivers.
Patricia_tallman says, "you are so weird"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #234 from Anwenn: I know these new telepaths are expressing their free will by not closing their minds particularly with each other - but don't they still desire some personal privacy - like maybe in the love scene last night?
Patricia_tallman says, "ne"
Robin_a_downes says, "so are you..."
Robin_a_downes says, "ni"
Robin_a_downes says, "we are family...."
Patricia_tallman says, "no"
Patricia_tallman flirts with Robin_a_downes.
Patricia_tallman flirts with Robin_a_downes.
Robin_a_downes says, "we are strong in eachother..."
Robin_a_downes says, "we are sister and brother..."
Patricia_tallman says, "that's the whole poi"
Robin_a_downes says, "and our love will lead us the way,..."
Patricia_tallman says, "point"
Robin_a_downes points at pat to start singing with a microphone...
Robin_a_downes breakdances to the Teep song...
Patricia_tallman says, "sing for me Wobbie"
Moderator says, "We have had a few people wanting to know about convention appearances you two are making. Are you making any in the near future?"
Robin_a_downes says, "go Pat..."
Patricia_tallman says, "I'll be in KC , Colorado Springs, Buffalo NY"
Patricia_tallman says, "Berlin"
Patricia_tallman says, "Atlanta"
Robin_a_downes says, "Marcon, Vulkon, Megacon, and colorado springs with Pat"
Robin_a_downes says, "atlanta with pat..."
Robin_a_downes says, "australia maybe..."
Patricia_tallman says, "Check the fan club web site...PTfanclub @aol."
Robin_a_downes says, "Pluto...."
Patricia_tallman says, "You are going to CO?"
Robin_a_downes says, "Or write Pat and I at the station..."
Patricia_tallman says, "uhoh!"
Robin_a_downes says, "I'll be there...."
Patricia_tallman says, "Is your girlfriend going?"
Robin_a_downes says, "same hotel room right??"
Patricia_tallman capers around Robin_a_downes.
Robin_a_downes says, "no..."
Robin_a_downes says, "ha"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #245 from Jbstar: But the Psi Corp says they are Mother and Father... saying you're brother and sister is being like the people the Teeps hate. How do you resolve that?
Patricia_tallman says, "wheeeee!"
Robin_a_downes says, "we are one..."
Patricia_tallman says, "No parental units alowed!"
Robin_a_downes says, "family without mother and father,,,"
Patricia_tallman says, "Authority vs. humanity"
Robin_a_downes says, "bester is like the Great Santini..."
Robin_a_downes . o O ( might regret that... )
Patricia_tallman says, "we are alowed to be who we are without controls of violence"
Patricia_tallman snaps her fingers at Robin_a_downes.
Patricia_tallman says, "next?"
Robin_a_downes says, "fine with me..."
Robin_a_downes says, "hey mama..."
Moderator presents the speakers with question #246 from Cscott: This is for both of you: If you weren't doing film/stage related work (acting, directing, etc), what would you want to be doing?
Robin_a_downes says, "sorry sister..."
Robin_a_downes says, "travel..."
Patricia_tallman says, "nothing"
Patricia_tallman says, "I can't imagine what I'd do"
Robin_a_downes says, "nothing??"
Robin_a_downes says, "come on now..."
Patricia_tallman says, "What would i do?"
Robin_a_downes says, "President..."
Patricia_tallman says, "right"
Robin_a_downes says, "first woman... you can handle it..."
Patricia_tallman says, "I'd be a marine biologist"
Moderator presents the speakers with question #251 from Anwenn: If/when something happens to Byron who would step in as leader. The rest of the group seem followers. Lyta seems to be the logical choice?
Robin_a_downes says, "you've got the brains.. beauty savvy"
Patricia_tallman says, "I almost went to school for it"
Robin_a_downes says, "Lyta..."
Patricia_tallman says, "What do you want us to say?"
Patricia_tallman says, " That's too close to talk about"
Robin_a_downes says, "da"
Moderator says, "We have upgraded our capacity to 100 however for some reason only 50 can get into the Auditroium. We have proposed to robin and Pat that we continue this chat in the Comlink. they agreed. So"
Robin_a_downes says, "lets do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Patricia_tallman laughs at Robin_a_downes.
Moderator says, "We are going to the Comlink - unmoderated"
Patricia_tallman waves at everyone.
Patricia_tallman waves at everyone.