Deep in the heart of California's San Fernando Valley, in a former
warehouse hidden away on a bland-looking side street, a million years' worth of
interstellar history is being played out at least, on the set of Babylon 5
that is.
Babylon 5's alliance with TNT assures
the series will complete its five-year story arc. |
Babylon 5 has been compared to Lord of the Rings set
in space. It does have complex plots that weave into and out of and around one another;
every episode is an "arc" episode.
Summarizing everything that's happened up until now would take up a
fair bit of space (and in any case is accomplished well in fine documentation elsewhere).
The title setting is a space station in the mid-23rd century;
Babylon 5 was set up and originally maintained by Earth, but is home to an approximate
quarter-million members of various races from all over the galaxy.
The principals among these are humans; the Minbari, who waged a
destructive war with Earth more than a decade ago over a misunderstanding, only to halt
the fighting when the Minbari religious caste came to believe that some humans have the
souls of deceased Minbari; the Centauri, a race with Borgia-like politics and expansionist
tendencies; the lizard-like Narn, whose homeworld has twice been invaded and conquered by
the Centauri.
Babylon 5 and John Sheridan (Bruce Boxleitner), erstwhile captain of
the facility (Seasons 2-4) and now President of the Earth Alliance, were crucial in ending
a massive, universe-threatening war provoked by the malevolently Darwinian Shadows, which
went to great lengths to cause conditions of absolute chaos, so that only the strongest
would survive. Humans and their allies were on their own, since the Shadows' adversaries,
the mysterious, riddle-speaking Vorlons, couldn't finally be said to be on any side. As
the war heated up, the Vorlons started blowing up any world that had the slightest taint
of Shadow influence, while the Shadows destroyed all planets in opposition.
The Shadow War brewed all through Seasons 1 and 2 and exploded into
action in Season 3, carrying through to mid-Season 4. Plot developments include Sinclair
(Michael O'Hare), the quite human captain of Babylon 5 in Season 1, going back in time a
thousand years and changing species to become the Minbari prophet and military hero Valen;
sympathetic telepath Talia Winters (Andrea Thompson, Seasons 1-2) turns out to have a
friendly personality implant that even she was unaware of, camouflaging a vicious inner
self; Sheridan literally dies and is resurrected with a foreshortened, 20-years-remaining
lifespan. When the Shadows and Vorlons finally leave the known universe, a smaller but
still galaxy-shaking war breaks out between the thoroughly corrupt government on Earth and
forces led by Sheridan. When the smoke clears, Earth's president (who had gotten the job
by arranging the assassination of his predecessor) is dead and Sheridan, still standing,
becomes President of the newly-formed Interstellar Alliance, which is so new that most of
the worlds represented doubt its effectiveness or whether it can last.
Sheridan (Bruce Boxleitner) and Lyta
(Patricia Talman) do some teep/mundane bonding. |
In the annals of television, there has never been anything quite
like Babylon 5, either on screen or behind the scenes. Sure, there have been
science-fiction dramas that unfolded like novels miniseries, movies of the week,
even episode arcs within shows but B5 is now in its fifth 22-episode season.
According to series creator J. (Joe) Michael Straczynski, this will be the show's final
year, as his story arc was always designed to run exactly half a decade though
several times it seemed as though the labyrinthine narrative would have to be brought to a
premature conclusion.
The series itself has survived almost as many dire predicaments as
its characters, bouncing from station to station and timeslot to timeslot (5 AM in some
regions) in first-run syndication for its first four years before finding a primetime slot
(Wed. at 10 EST, 7 PST) on the TNT network. In contrast to their often-indifferent
syndicated station predecessors, TNT is vigorously promoting its new acquisition, to the
delight of all parties concerned.
"There's a sense of relief that we're getting to finish what we
started," says Patricia Tallman, who first played telepath Lyta Alexander in the
series' pilot, then returned in the role as a regular at the end of Season Two. "What
happened in the middle of last years season was, we had to wrap up a major
storyline, which was the war with the Shadows and the Vorlons, really quickly and get on
with tying up as many loose ends as possible before the end of the fourth season, so that
the fans had some kind of closure, because we didn't know if we had a fifth season. So Joe
had to proceed as if that was the end. And it was really frustrating and very, very
sad. This whole new energy that we've gotten with TNT has been such a shot in the arm. The
publicity alone has been incredible! I think they spent more on the first two promos they
did with G'Kar and Ivanova than Warner Bros. had in four years. Instead of feeling like
the bastard stepchild, we're feeling like a valued player."
Robin Atkin Downes is a new regular this season, portraying the
rebel telepath leader Byron. Last season, when the show was still in syndication, Downes
played the Minbari official Morann in the episode "Atonement." He agrees that
TNT's sponsorship has resulted in a happier company.
"It just seemed like there was a different attitude on set from
the first time when I was doing ["Atonement"] to when it was on UPN [the former
syndication outlet for B5 in Southern California]. I never saw anybody from UPN on
set, but there are always people around from TNT and they're always excited about the show
and willing to help out in any way."
In the famously sometimes rapaciously collaborative
medium of television, B5 is unique in how closely it represents the work of a
single author. Straczynski has written all but a handful of the scripts produced in the
show's five seasons. He wrote the series pilot, "The Gathering," then penned
twelve of the first season's episodes (other writers in that year included classic Star
Trek veterans D.C. Fontana and David Gerrold).
Garibaldi (Jerry Doyle) and Lochley
(Tracy Scoggins) butt heads. |
In Season 2, Straczynski stepped up his output to 15 episodes; he
wrote Seasons 3 and 4 solo. To understand what this means, it helps to understand how TV
works. For instance, few would dispute that Chris Carter is the father of THE X-FILES
and the ultimate arbiter of that series' mythos, but THE X-FILES still has a story
department and a writing staff. Although B5's Season 5 has opened the door slightly
to other scribes Sandman creator Neil Gaiman has penned an episode,
"Day of the Dead," and series "conceptual consultant" Harlan Ellison
shares story credit with the show's creator on a few episodes Straczynski has
otherwise written this season alone also. This accounts for the fact that the series has
arguably the fewest narrative contradictions in memory; there's no one around coming up
with developments that someone else later on wants to pretend never happened (or simply
forgets about them).
"I haven't been in an episode that he didn't write,"
Tallman relates. "He knows how the characters talk and he wouldn't let anything go on
that doesn't sound [right]. In fact, there was supposed to be another script [this season]
written by somebody else and [Straczynski] felt it was not up to par, and the rewrites
weren't coming in the way he wanted, so it just didn't happen. I've never seen a man work
so hard in my entire life. He works until 4 in the morning and he's back at the studio
working by noon. I took him a bunch of vitamins and he swore I was trying to kill
him." She imitates Straczynski, sounding suspicious: " 'What are these?' "
Tallman as herself, patiently: " 'Vitamins.' " As Straczynski, still suspicious:
" 'What's in 'em?' I said," her tone becomes ever so slightly cranky, " '
Vitamins.' " She laughs. "He wrote a scene later for me and Robin where I bring
Byron vitamins and he says, 'What are these?' 'Vitamins
' "
Straczynski's persistence of vision has made for great television,
if you're one of the show's admirers (or not-so-great television if you are among the
However, it also makes for a predicament in doing an article on the
series. Straczynski, for the time being, is not giving interviews to any online media;
fellow producer Netter is likewise keeping mum. This effectively removes the possibility
of discussing the show's genesis over the years with its singular creative staff, but
actors Tallman and Downes and various technicians are happy to discuss their roles in the
proceedings.Tallman learned in a novel manner that one of her portrayals had made a big
impression on Straczynski.
"I was reading the script [for the B5 pilot] and
thought, 'This is way too good a part, they want to get a star for this, but what fun to
audition,' " she recalls. "I went in there was only one other actor in
the room. We're both standing as far apart as possible, talking to ourselves as actors are
wont to do before an audition, running your lines for this scene, and this huge man comes
running into the room. I mean, he blocked the entire doorframe. And he stared right at me
and said, 'Patricia Tallman.' I said, 'Yes?' And he said, 'My name's Joe Straczynski. I
wrote the part for you. Good luck,' and ran out of the room again. This other actor looked
at me with this bored look on his face and said, 'No pressure, huh?' Literally, I cannot
remember the audition. I was so shaken and so freaked out that I don't remember any of it.
I kind of walked out in a daze, called my agent and said, 'I have no idea what this
meant.' I found out later that what Joe meant was, he had seen [Tallman's leading
performance in] the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead and patterned Lyta on
Tallmans extensive background in stuntwork, which has factored
into getting previous roles, has not been relevant to her work on B5
until now.
"Lyta's not an action character," she says. "Though
there was a day when they needed me to be able to do something I don't want
to spoil it, it hasn't aired yet but I don't know how many actresses they could've
asked to do what they asked me to do. And I was able to do it without even thinking about
Delenn (Mira Furlan) meets with Minbari
elders (Brian McDermott and Turhan Bey) in "Learning Curve." |
At the beginning of Season 5, Elizabeth Lochley (Tracy Scoggins)
comes on board Babylon 5 as its captain, though President Sheridan makes his headquarters
on the station. Influential Minbari Delenn (Mira Furlan), who transformed into a
semi-human in Season 2 and is now Sheridan's wife, also is in residence. Centauri
Ambassador (and soon to be Emperor) Londo Mollari (Peter Jurasik) and his assistant Vir
(Stephen Furst), Narn leader G'Kar (Andreas Katsulas), former B5 security
chief-turned-covert operations chief Michael Garibaldi (Jerry Doyle), current security
officer Zack Allen (Jeff Conaway) are other important figures still present. The jovially
Machiavellian Psi Corps chief Mr. Bester (Walter Koenig) will return.
One character who won't be back is the heroic, self-sacrificing
Marcus Cole (Jason Carter) who literally traded his life for that of Commander Susan
Ivanova (Claudia Christian) at the end of Season 4, triggering Ivanova's self- exile.
Marcus was tall, emotional, quoted Shakespeare and had an English accent kind of
like Downes as the as-yet-mysterious Byron.
"Those are better examples of why I might be compared to
him," Downes sighs, "but I was speaking to a fan online and I said, 'Why do you
think I'm Marcus's replacement?' She said, 'Well, you've got long hair, just like him.' I
thought, 'Oh, great,' " he laughs. I remember at the audition there were a lot of
long-haired, Euro-looking guys. Everybody there was more how I would see a Byronesque
figure - darker hair, darker eyes, so I don't know why they chose me for it."
Downes carries the notion of the character's poet namesake only so
far. "I tried not to bring too much of his history to the character he was
messing around with sheep," he chuckles. "But he was [like the B5
character] a very
emotional, passion-driven person, too."
Both in his role as Byron and by birth, Downes is English, but his
family moved to California when he was 12 and off-camera, little of the accent is
detectable. Why, then, make Byron British?
"Most of the aliens that you see on TV are English I
don't know why," Downes notes as he segues from his soft L.A. speech to a
pitch-perfect English accent. "It just seemed like, his name was Byron, and in the
first scene I was auditioning with, he was quoting Shakespeare and I thought, this
guy is flamboyant, he's definitely British. I was amazed at the size of my storyline
for somebody just coming on. When I started performing in the show [as Morann], I did a
lot of research for it I became a kind of a Babylon 5 junkie after watching
about six tapes. G'Kar will have eight weeks of a great storyline, and then Sheridan's
dying and everybody's killing him and everything's going crazy. Everybody has their piece
on the show. I felt like I was being given a huge storyline and felt very lucky to be this
However, the B5 cast seldom know more than two scripts in
advance what's coming Downes explains.
"You just have to commit to whatever you're saying," says
Downes. "Sometimes you get the script for the next episode and you go, 'Oh, my God
I was doing this in the last one!' " He does, however, feel that there's a
safety cushion against misinterpreting a character's true motives. "I think usually
if it's something that dramatic that's going to come up later, Joe would tell you about
it. What you do is try and create a history for the character, you try and find out what
the background is, and who the character was you wonder if you were involved with
Bester at some point."
Downes did some research for his character, though less along
psychic than psychological lines. "I believe there are people with telepathic
abilities. There is the capability there probably," he laughs, "in those
big brains that we only use a small portion of."
The Centauri and humanity are two races
separated by a lot of drinks on Babylon 5. |
This was of less concern than Byron's philosophical bent as a leader
with a social agenda. "As the character progresses, you can see that he's really into
the nonviolent thing, so I did some research on Gandhi and Martin Luther King and all
these people that created a great change and the problems that went along with that
political, personal, all the things that they dealt with."
He was particularly impressed with Gandhi's concept of swadeshi.
"In the Psi Corps, they say, 'The Corps is mother, the Corps is father.' Swadeshi
would be, 'We are family.' Byron talks about, 'The mundanes [non-telepaths] cannot hear
the song that we hear, this beautiful music that we have as telepathic people to
communicate with each other. We shouldn't have to walk around and hide that we have this
ability,' and I think that's what I try to convey to Lyta. I'm mostly working with
Patricia Tallman we work together in a lot of very unusual positions and
Neither actor wants to give away too much of the final season's
plotline, but Tallman will reveal this: "Lyta's changing more and more; I'm right in
the middle of a transition for her that's been pretty powerful. Joe has this amazing knack
for being able to write that sort of thing, the evolution of life on a character, so that
you see how their experiences change them. In most TV shows, you don't see that the
characters stay consistent, because that's what the audience has wanted you want to
know who the good guy is, you want to know who the bad guy is, you want to rely on that
good guy to always come through. What Joe has written are people who have good choices and
bad choices inside them, and you see how those choices affect them afterward. Lyta has
been a follower, she has devoted herself completely to the Vorlons and what they stood for
in her mind, and then they alter her, change her completely she's not even human
any more. They leave without so much as a 'Thanks a lot,' and she is stuck on a station
full of people full of people who want nothing to do with her. And she has no way to make
a living, no friends, and how does that affect somebody?"
Tallman's description of her character sounds something like the
real-life residents of the North Hills, CA-based Penny Lane, a home for physically and
sexually abused children. Over the past five years, Tallman has used monies made from
convention speaker fees and selling photos of Lyta to B5 fans to fund a computer
lab for the organization, training the youngsters to have job skills. She sounds briefly
surprised when asked whether she sees Lyta in the same light as Penny Lane's bright but
emotionally damaged charges. "No one's ever asked me that." She thinks.
"Yeah, probably. Yeah, sure." While Tallman does not want to compare a fictional
character to the misery suffered by real children, " [Lyta has been] beat up and
mistrusted and misused and ignored. I have a scene with Robin where we're both actually
laughing and I realized, in years of doing the show, [Lyta] has not laughed once. She's
just so isolated."
The technique Tallman has used in conveying telepathic abilities
began when she returned to the show in the episode "Divided Loyalties."
Tracy Scoggins as Captain Lochley,
manning the Babylon 5 command center with Joshua Cox. |
"I think that telepathy and ESP are sort of a natural side to
us that some people have developed more than others," she relates. "Now
obviously, in Babylon 5, things have been helped along, but I don't think that
reading somebody's mind or receiving images takes a lot of facial expression," she
laughs. "Actually, I'm very near- sighted, so really, that's how it started, when I
was scanning a whole bunch of people. I was standing across the room from them. Jesus
Trevino [the episode's director], said, 'I want to see you scanning them.' I wasn't even
thinking, I was standing across the room I just kind of focused on them, which
meant I squinted. Jesus goes, 'That's it!' And I'm like, 'Oh, shit, what did I do?' I
realized, 'Oh, I'm trying to see them.' So that's all I do. One of the things Joe said
about me at a convention later, which I thought was really complimentary is, 'I love when
Pat is doing that, because you can see her doing it; you believe she's reading someone's
mind.' " Popular character Ivanova, Sheridan's second-in-command and a regular in
Seasons 1-4, has left to try to pull herself together after one too many losses and is
absent in Season 5, although she will appear in the upcoming B5 telefilm Thirdspace.
Delenn's longtime aide Lennier (Bill Mumy) has likewise left the station in this season
due to emotional pain in his case, unrequited love for the now-married Delenn
but it's a certainty that the character will reappear, since he's in one of the
scenes I watch being filmed during my visit to the B5 set.
