Posted by BYRON on January 25, 1999 at 05:57:11:
In Reply to: Re: Marmite sandwiches... Robin's response posted by Purpy on January 21, 1999 at 01:18:13:
: : : : : I'm upgrading to a new computer... so mine is down for a
: : : : : few days...Hang in there....
: : : : : I'll return all e mail when it's up and running!!!!
: : : : : I'm excited!!!
: : : : : Robin
: : : : I've heard marmite is truly vile, but then again I'm sure you'd take one look at a Chesapeake Bay blue crab and run...... :)
: : : : Glencora
: : : Love any kind a crab... blue...soft shell..
: : : I've even eaten a red snapper eye ball!!!
: :
: : I stand corrected, but have you eaten Chinese pickled squid?
: : Glencora
: : P.S. I've never been able to bring myself to eat a softshell crab. The legs put me off.... :)
: Have you ever tried snails with garlic butter Robin? I like them. :)
: Purpy hugs you.
: Me
I must confess... Escargot is one of my favorites...
I've tried lambs brains...delicious.. but never again...
My father used to serve me tripe and tell me it was fish...
Many a strange and exotic dish have I partaken of my brothers and
sisters...My curiosity for exotic foods has never ceased.
I must confess I did upset daddy on my last visit...
He wanted to create a special dish for me...
He had heard about meatloaf...I think he read somewhere that
one uses all the left over meat...
There it sat... cold and raw... a log of raw meat covered
in a thick jelly! I watched in horror as my entire family
gobbled it up! Personally when I eat meat... I like it well done!
so I cooked my meatloaf much to the disdain of the ravenous onlookers...
I have the meal on video somewhere... perhaps I should put the video on the site?