Byron appreciates you coming to his website and would love you to

[ Main Page ]

Well as far as I know Robin will be updating the site this month and I'm really looking forward to it :) I also like Byron in B5 and I really enjoy playing games where he's making the voiceover of some of the characters, couse I really admire what he's doing with his voice... and also just becouse he's there =D :)
Sofia, Bulgaria - Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 03:00:59 (EST)
Hello Robin! I'm writing here despite the growing suspicion that you won't be reading this anyway. These pages are really nice, but they seem quite...dead. Why I came here? Well, I was going through a B5 rerun, and the way you played Byron...because of you I could almost like him despite all that marthyric idealism. I also checked out your "Actor for hire" pages, and I must say I'm amazed what you can do with your voice - although as an engineer, I'm not actually an expert critic of acting. This is dragging out quite long, so I quess I'll just give you my greetings from the very cold and wet Helsinki, and be on my way :-) Cheers!
Kirsi Koivisto
Helsinki, Finland - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 03:55:22 (EST)
Hi Robin i am chris's son (your dads brother) i was just taking a look at your web site looks like you doing well for yourself. I am a diver and i also have my watersports shop in tobago if you fancy a trip head on down my way my e-mail is
Greg Downes
Trinidad&Tobago - Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 08:55:50 (EST)
Hi Robin and everyone! Miss the forum and talking to all of you. Hope you are all doing well. Thumper ps..ya, I'm still here!!! :)
Toronto , ON Canada - Saturday, August 06, 2005 at 07:21:47 (EST)
Hello there. I just wanted to write to you to tell you how much I appreciated the voice work you did for Bioware's Jade Empire. You made the character of Sagacious Zu very unique and interesting person in which to talk to. I'm anxious to hear more of your work in the future.
Greg <>
Redmond, WA USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 22:12:59 (EST)
Hi Robin! Never felt like writing to a famous actor know, i don't like callin' myself a "fan" of something or somebody, this word is too close to "fanatic". So, let's say i'm just fond of Bab5. But when it goes on TV, you always miss the most important part cus you're bizy or something...So i've recently bought the whole series on DVD, approached to the 5th part, remembered I liked your acting, searched through the web...and so, i'm here. Actually I was a bit surprised to see the guestbook that deserted. So I decided to step in and say hi ;) Sorry, conciseness is not included in the list of my talents %) Nice site, btw! a bit old-fashioned, but charming. So, if you ever need someone from cold snowy Russia for any purpose - you may rely on me. From Russia with love (hehe don't take it literally).
Dara <>
Moscow, Russia - Monday, March 07, 2005 at 12:32:46 (EST)
Hello, it's me again. Nice to see this website. I heard you sing on a video on my computer. You have a very nice voice. So why aren't you recording a CD. You are, in my opinion, much more listenable than a lot of that other stuff on the radio now. Lisa
Lisa <>
Riverview, NB Canada - Sunday, January 23, 2005 at 10:32:34 (EST)
Happy Holidays to everyone including the Wobbie and Mrs. Wobbie :)
USA - Saturday, December 11, 2004 at 11:47:43 (EST)
Holiday Greetings to you! I just wanted to let you know that your message board is down. Please look into it. Thank you. DANGER WOMAN
DangerWoman <>
Stone Mountain, GA USA - Wednesday, November 03, 2004 at 16:40:13 (EST)
Was it you who did both the voices of Prince Stephan and Prince Daniel in the Barbie movies. You have a very distinctive voice and I would like to know. Lisa
Lisa Steeves <>
Riverview, NB Canada - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 01:29:17 (EST)
Was it you who did both the voices of Prince Stephan and Prince Daniel in the Barbie movies. You have a very distinctive voice and I would like to know. Lisa
Lisa Steeves <>
Riverview, NB Canada - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 01:29:15 (EST)
Nice website about bedroom furniture, office furniture and modern furniture Nice website about bedroom furniture, office furniture and modern furniture
Admin <>
New York, USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 at 10:10:54 (EST)
Although I have always been a big Sci-Fi fan, I stopped watching all broadcast TV before Season 5 of B5 was aired. Fortunately I have bought them all on DVD and was delighted to meet Robin on DVD. As a longhaired guy I believe in individuality and always wonder what happened to guys with longhair from back when. I was pleased to discover this site and find Robin's résumé with his most impressive colessive collection of fine works and performances. It is always welcome news to see a man with long hair be successful in a world that stresses conformity more than individuality and creathe good work Robin!
Steve G (Barefoot Longhair) <>
Tampa, FL USA - Tuesday, August 03, 2004 at 17:58:29 (EST)
Great Site, very helpful and informative I found what I was looking for thanks.
Fraser Island, Qld Australia - Friday, July 16, 2004 at 14:16:42 (EST)
nice site... cool
öbLe <>
USA - Tuesday, July 06, 2004 at 21:48:21 (EST)
Cool page! Already book mark, I think you have done a good job here mate!
USA - Saturday, June 12, 2004 at 00:31:06 (EST)
finally getting to watch B5 season 5 and was lookin for a site/info on that cutie pie robin atkin downes! happily i came across this site. i like this site! nicely done! i hope to see robin at a convention in the md/dc/va area sometime! :-D
pennie <>
USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 at 08:11:51 (EST)
Hello, it has been awhile. But, I hate to be a bother, but I know you are going to scold me and say "Danger Woman, naughty little lady." But, seriously, I hope you read my post about Warner Bros. wronging you about your part in the recently released B5 Season 5 Video Collection. I know you better have a good talking to with them, because they should have put you in the credits on the package and the ad in the comic books. Anyway, I hope that all is well, but if you need a singing songbird to help liven up your party, please e-mail me and we can do lunch. TTYL! DANGER WOMAN
DangerWoman <>
Stone Mountain, GA USA - Saturday, April 17, 2004 at 11:31:04 (EST)
Hello, again. Nice to visit this website again. You know, had they given a homeworld to the telepaths, that would've opened the door to a whole new!!!
Lisa Steeves <>
Riverview, NB CANADA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 at 03:28:08 (EST)

celtics locations <>
Ireland - Sunday, March 07, 2004 at 04:55:55 (EST)
Dzing Dzziiiing Dong Banng ! Very good music, See you ! Phil
Annonces de locations meublées de vacances <>
Ardeche Drome Bretagne Croatie provence cote d'azur midi nice alpes Paris, Ardeche France - Sunday, March 07, 2004 at 04:53:40 (EST)
Excellent site. Some really good work!
Simon Green <>
USA - Saturday, December 20, 2003 at 21:10:54 (EST)
Intriuging site - especially the celtic artwork. Do you sell any broaches?
A B Tufton <>
UK - Saturday, December 20, 2003 at 09:43:01 (EST)
Cute Site
Rodrido Z Sanchez <>
UK - Friday, December 19, 2003 at 06:55:20 (EST)
I guess my submit button stuck. Sorry.
New York, NY USA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 12:29:17 (EST)
Hey, I can't believe I was surfing the channels tonight and caught you on an old Charmed episode. I knew when we working at the Stinking Rose that you would make it in the industry, no problem. I'm so happy that you're doing what you love. I was thinking when i saw you about when you started out with Babylon 5. That was the beginning of lots of great things for you. Anyway, what's coming up, anything in New York? Best wishes for the future and Happy Holidays.
Sarah <>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 11:38:28 (EST)
thanks byron! another laudable effort!
Sidney Greenstreet <>
Toledo, OH USA - Saturday, December 13, 2003 at 12:33:08 (EST)
This site has gotten a lot more interesting since the last time I was here, which was ages ago, so that pretty much explains that.
Kwaze Modo <>
Notre Dame, IN USA - Saturday, December 13, 2003 at 10:29:16 (EST)
Babylon 5 is the best. I have season 1 to 3 on DVD, will get 4 when it comes out.
John Grado <>
Ner York, NY USA - Saturday, December 13, 2003 at 01:30:43 (EST)
David R Gunni <>
USA - Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 10:09:36 (EST)
I think you're a wonderful actor and I love your web site.
David R Gunni <>
Clearwater, FL USA - 003 at 10:08:55 (EST)
Nice site, Byron.
James Kirk <>
London, USA - Friday, December 05, 2003 at 03:42:34 (EST)
great site, Robin :) BTW: Please can you e-mail me? My old PC crashed and I lost your e-mail adress. Just remember some parts of it and as I tried it, the e-mail came back. :(
Sandra <>
Berlin, Germany - Thursday, December 04, 2003 at 06:41:12 (EST)
Very good site. One question: how do you acces the actual interview? I would like to read them. Hope to visit again soon. -Mimi
mimi <>
USA - Monday, October 13, 2003 at 12:30:51 (EST)
Well, I must say, it is nice to finally get a chance to sit down and write another entry here. I'm no telepath, but I bet he's probably thinking,"Oh, no! It's that pesky Lisa again!! " Ha, ha! In any case, you seem like a very sweet, intelligent young man and a good conversationalist, I hope Val knows how lucky she is. I'm still working, and spending money on Babylon 5 DVDs to watch when I get home from my job as a telephone service rep. Fun, fun fun! Oh, well, c'est la vie. I'm glad this site is still here. And, yes, it is like visiting an old friend. Lisa
Lisa Steeves <>
Riverview, NB Canada - Saturday, October 11, 2003 at 05:45:43 (EST)
I haven't been to this website for a very long time. Working too hard, i guess, and spending my money on B5 dvds. Ha, ha. I never did get around to asking about what kind of music you enjoy. It's like visiting an old friend.
Lisa Steeves <>
Riverview, NB Canada - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 at 04:05:32 (EST)
Just a quick note to let you know that "harmonica" is spelled incorrectly in your resume. Take care and I might be working with you very soon.
Gregg <>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 11:51:36 (EST)
As so many others in this guestbook have said: This is a really nice page!
USA - Friday, July 04, 2003 at 00:25:01 (EST)
I'd forgotten all about this site, but luckily, my memory was jogged - not to forcefully, head's still intact, brain's not on the floor, good sign. I was trunding my way through a Led Zeppelin message board I frequent and someone had started a thread on who would play the members of the band should a movie ever be made about them. Tons of ideas were thrown around, but no one really made any attempts to cast Robert Plant (well, there was one vote for Orlando Bloom, and one for, oh, crap, what's his name....Heath Ledger - Neither fit). I made a detour here(after some searching - I'd forgotten the URL)and showed your picture. So far the only comment has been something along the line of a need for curlers. Ahem. We're a silly bunch. Anyway, this site has gotten a lot more interesting since the last time I was here, which was ages ago, so that pretty much explains that. I'm rambling now, so I'll take my sillines elsewhere. By the looks of the clock, I'd say home. Tootles, adios, and a few other assorted farewells.
Kimberly <>
MO USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 at 09:45:02 (EST)
`I like your work alot and hope you make a movie soon /`
`bob /`
USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 at 09:17:06 (EST)
Hey cool site!
USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 at 09:10:56 (EST)
Hey Robin, Great site, and great guy. Met you a couple of times, lastly in Blackpool (me and my mate stalked you)!!!!! Take care and see you at the next con. Jo xx
Joanne <>
Wigan, UK - Monday, May 12, 2003 at 01:19:36 (EST)
What a great site! Pat yourself on the back for a job well done! I could get lost here and can't think of a nicer place to be if I do!! :)
Andy <>
FL USA - Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 03:22:53 (EST)
hey, i loved ur site, even thow i just plain and simply love cats and kittens! i have 3 cats: lacey, ginger, and randy!! randy and ginger just had 4 kittens: lovey, cute eyes, whiskers, and of course sam! sam is my favorite! thatnx much!!
Jade <>
ulen, mn USA - Friday, April 25, 2003 at 07:09:39 (EST)
Cool Site.
USA - Monday, March 24, 2003 at 04:38:01 (EST)
This is my 'depressed stance'. When you're depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand. The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you'll start to feel better. If you're going to get any joy out of being depressed, you've got to stand like this. -Charlie Brown
Peanutsss Quotes <>
USA - Friday, February 21, 2003 at 08:23:57 (EST)
They only recognize greatness when some authority confirms it. -Calvin
Calvin_ Hobbes_ <>
UK - Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 00:33:54 (EST)
I wondered if Lorna would be interested in my hosyed talk featuring The Mating Habits Of The Lesser Spotted Mongoose. Jeffrey Chairman The Mongoose society of UK
Joe Friday ( Los Angeles Division) <>
UK - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 02:16:28 (EST)
This site moved my soul. Thank you
Samantha Williams <>
USA, none USA - Sunday, February 16, 2003 at 05:44:49 (EST)
Looking for debt consolidation? E-mail me about a credit card debt consolidation program that will save you hundreds of dollars!
Debt Consolidation Service
Denver, CO US - Friday, February 14, 2003 at 00:52:01 (EST)
This site rule oh yeah
USA - Mondh
USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 00:16:15 (EST)
me i done waka here so all guymen keep of oooooooooooooooooooooooo
muguman <>
lome, lome togo - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 20:02:55 (EST)
Bryon, my buddy just loned me your 1 hour standup cd, and i'll tell you what, i listened to it 3 times today showing it off for different people. you are hilarious, i wo other routines you have done. please write back, i'd appreciate it, thanks a lot Your new fan, Eric Goshorn
Eric Goshorn <>
Harrison, OH USA - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 17:20:24 (EST)
Robin, Hope you and yours have a wonderfully happy holiday season. Your devoted fan, Winnie from Boston.
Winnie Mitchell <>
Boston, MA USA - Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 05:31:50 (EST)
This is a very interesting website, I have added it in my favourites. Keep up the good work. Greetings David
USA - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 07:40:17 (EST)
Ohh.. Great website, shame about the comic book link not working I was a little intrigued to see that. Hmm... what did I want to say again? Oh yeah! I only watched Babylon I only watched Babylon 5 while you were in it. Well that's what I told my fiance anyway *giggles and waves*
Demona <>
Doncaster, UK - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 07:57:56 (EST)
I was just surfing the web to see what others have done. I thought yours was cool so I figured I'd sign your guestbook and let you know.
Jennifer Nackt
USA - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 06:31:40 (EST)
Don't remember how I found this great site - just surfin'. But I've set a bookmark and will return, when I have more time.
USA - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 08:58:02 (EST)
Hi Robin, Loved your character on Arliss - it was a hoot. Take care - Peace! Creatively, scifisuzi
scifisuzi <>
USA - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 15:36:24 (EST)
i don rech here oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo una beko oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
LAGOS, USA - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 04:22:37 (EST)
Greetings from Finland! I was just wisiting Richard Biggs webpage, and told he has the only guestbook within the Babylon 5 actors, I was wrong, you have one too. I am a great fan of the B5 serie and the movies and just wanna say, your work as a 'Byron' is impressive. Anyway, I hope the very best to you and your life. Best wishes. Timo Savolainen
Timo Savolainen <>
Finland - Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 05:10:22 (EST)
Very Cool!
Scott Poynter <>
Flower Mound, TX USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 14:01:48 (EST)
I still think it's was too bad that you did not get the role of Lestat in Queen of the Damned, But that's that. C'est la vie
Lisa Steeves <>
Riverview, NB Canada - Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 00:42:41 (EST)
Hello Robin. How are you? I always am like super. My Vt1100 goes driving it also well into 3 weeks we to an international Shadow to meet into the Netherlands. Are strained like those its Bikes converted with the latter to meet has I mad pictures made I wish you all good. your (BIG)Uschi Uschi <>
Frankfurt, Germany - Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 03:04:43 (EST)
this is now the largest guestbook I have seen
Doctor Rock <>
Newcastle, NSW Australia - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 01:03:01 (EST)
Robin: Last year you were in Victoria --- I'm sorry about what happened with relation to the Con Chair but this note isn't about that. I wish to give you an update on the young woman you met who had cancer. Annette Lotz was a great fan of Babylon 5 and she was thrilled to meet you. It is my great sorrow to let you know Annette lost her battle with cancer this morning, approx 0600 hrs, 24 Mar 02, in Victoria, BC. Her parents were with her at the end. She was 40 years old.
Cary Anne Conder <>
Victoria, BC Canada - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 10:49:16 (EST)
I'm sorry I didn't sign this sooner. I'm so glad this site is still here. It would be marvelous to talk with you but I doubt if that's possible
Lisa Steeves <>
Riverview, NB Canada - Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 05:35:40 (EST)
I'm sorry I didn't sign this sooner. I'm so glad this site is still here.
Lisa Steeves <>
Moncton, NB Canada - Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 05:31:30 (EST)
this is the best site
yesenia <>
north bergen, nj USA - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 02:36:24 (EST)
Happy 2002! Please forgive me for not writing sooner, but I have some great news! You have been inducted into the Danger Force Alliance. On the last weekend of 2001, I have formally inducted you into the DFA. I would be more than honored to make sure you get your certificate of membership when you next come to Dragon Con. And I will be more than honored to make sure that you get a very nice birthday gift as well. By the way, I might get a NEW Dangerputer, which means that I would be able to get more tasks done. Well, I must go now. I have to go clean my room. Talk to you soon. Your little student, DANGER WOMAN
Danger Woman <>
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 02:17:19 (EST)
Just a quick note to wish you a wonderful and joyous holiday season. We're always glad to see you here in Boston. Come back and visit us soon.
Winnie Mitchell <>
Boston, MA USA - Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 06:21:56 (EST)
To the best teacher in the world. I hope that you will be very pleased and honored to take care of the Danger Force Pets as part of my annual radio play this year. At least through the magic of imagination, I am going to Hawaii. And I know that I can trust you into looking out for them. Well, I must go now. If you DO NOT hear from me for a while, Happy Holidays and I hope 2002 we will meet again. DANGER WOMAN
Danger Woman, The Phantom Highlander's Songbird <>
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, November 12, 2001 at 12:16:53 (EST)
Hi Robin...its Vesna...just want to say hello!!!!I am still in LA and I love it....much better than at Percy's :-))) I think, I will go back to Germany next year. Hope everything is going well. Such a shitty thing, that I didn't see the 'Coke' Commercial....Mail back, if you get a chance :-))
vesna <>
LA, CA USA - Wednesday, October 03, 2001 at 09:41:35 (EST)
Dear Robin: I am writing this to let you know that I am being told to leave your website. I know that you would NOT tolerate these net bullies, because net bullying is very weong and they are trying to do this because I am NOT like minded, when in truth I am real. Please understand what is going on. DANGER WOMAN
Danger Woman, The Phantom Highlander's Songbird <>
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 22:16:05 (EST)
did you ever find the bagpipes that night? dragoncon 2001,and what do you do with the video that you shoot of your fans?,, thanks lee
lee guerra <>
soddy daisy, TN USA - Tuesday, September 18, 2001 at 12:02:30 (EST)
Dear Robin: I just wanted to post you a proper message and to thank you for making my birthday party a great success. I am trying to get all the photos on line, but it is NOT an easy task for me. I have to go "by the book" this year, making sure that all permissions have been given and that I get it all together on line. At least you would love the hard work I put into it, once it is completed. Well, I must fly now. The gang at Borders Books need me. Until we meet on the net...... Your Little Student Of Justice, DANGER WOMAN
Danger Woman, The Phantom Highlander's Songbird <>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, September 15, 2001 at 19:41:02 (EST)
Nice Site.
Enid C. DeLille <,>
Columbus, OH USA - Monday, August 27, 2001 at 13:41:07 (EST)
it was great to see you at nokturnal 3k hope to see you at number 4
adam gulwell <>
swindon, england - Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 11:59:27 (EST)
I have tosay I think you're a wonderful actor and I love your web site. Maybe you'll be invited to King Con someday.
Jen Phillips <>
St. John , NB Canada - Saturday, August 18, 2001 at 13:37:33 (EST)
Nice site...
backgrounds <>
USA - Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 10:36:33 (EST)
Hi Mr. Downes (that sounds so formal but we have never met) I hope you found adequate accommodations in Victoria last night(Aug 3rd), that you had a better experience at the con, and were able to enjoy Victoria. Victoria is one of the places my husband and I like to relax in(usually off season). I came down from my room at the Traveller's Inn- city center, and you were trying to check in. I am a B5 fan but not too vocal about it. I have never been to a convention and you are the first actor I have ever written to. Last night I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your portrayal of Byron but I didn't want to bother you. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Denise <>
Seattle, WA USA - Sunday, August 05, 2001 at 18:02:49 (EST)
Hi Robin. It's been such a long time since we've chatted. I have caught you on the shows you've appeared, including your "Coke commercial" I've been busy getting well, and have returned to school. I keep hoping you'll come east again so we can catch up with you. Still remember that great limo ride, and the "go around". You are a part of a great memory, and photos. Please pass regards to your Dad and all who might ho might remember me. Bless...
Dover, NH USA - Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 05:03:04 (EST)
Hi Robin, I just wanted to say what a good time I had sitting with you at the San Diego Comic Con. You're a fine gentleman and a really cool guy. :)
Bette <>
Cary, NC USA - Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 00:22:49 (EST)
I met Robin at Daddy's the other night and I was qutie intrigued, now I'm quite impressed.
Bryna Regan <>
Woodland Hills, CA USA - Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 03:40:07 (EST)
You are a good artist! Cool site! And the best for the Future!
Kai Gärtner <>
Berlin, Germany - Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 00:38:06 (EST)
B5 fan,It wos nice to see you at the NEC a couple years ago.Keep up the good work
mr ashley hucksted <>
ashford kent, england - Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 06:36:30 (EST)
Nocturnal3K: I'll never be able to listen to "Tragedy" in quite the same light again!! Har har har!!! Hope you enjoyed yourself as much as we all did! Have come back to earth with a gentle bump, so had t Work Thingy" that everyone keeps telling me about... Sheesh!
Linda <>
London, UK - Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 02:14:13 (EST)
Robin, it was so EXCELLENT to meet you at Nocturnal again this year. The monologue you performed was amazing and you were, as always, witty, a pleasure to talk to and just plain gorgeous. I wish you all the very best in the future. Oh, and thank you for the two hugs I got from you!!
Rune <>
Northern Ireland, UK - Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 23:22:39 (EST)
Great to see you at the Nocturnal 3K convention this past weekend. You went down a storm!! Hope to see you again real soon! XXXX
Sue Davis <>
UK - Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 22:51:55 (EST)
Great to see you at the Nocturnal 3K convention this past weekend. You went down a storm!! Hope to see you again real soon! XXXX
Sue Davis <>
USA - Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 22:51:21 (EST)
Hello, Robin. How are things with you? I do apologize for NOT checking in like I should, but sometimes I have to keep myself focused on the task that I was trained to do. I am writing this to thank you for accepting my invitation to my BIG birthday celebration at Dragon Con 2001 and I hope that your presence will make it an experience I will NEVER forget. Until we meet on the net and at Dragon Con........ Your Little Student Of Justice, DANGER WOMAN
Danger Woman <>
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, May 27, 2001 at 23:21:32 (EST)
Robin, I dont know if you can remember back to this past weekend when you came to the Expo and signed a couple of things for my dad for me. I think your really great and I am so sorry I missed the chat earlier! I would have come but dearest mother made me have other plans which I really didnt enjoy anyhow! Hopefully I can catch you on again sometime :) it would be really nice to chat. Sincerely Yours, Ashley
Ashley <>
Taylor, MI USA - Friday, May 25, 2001 at 13:25:56 (EST)
Robin Atkin Downes was wonderful as Byron, Not to mention absolutly gorgeous! I hope he comes to a Sci-Fi con. in the midwest some time, sure him in person.
Bonita Barth <>
Kansas City, MO USA - Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 07:08:10 (EST)
Babylon 5 rules!
Modane <>
Fenwick, ON Canada - Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 14:50:55 (EST)
Terrific website
Lynette <>
- Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 20:54:24 (EST)
Thanks for the appearance at Denver STARFEST. Please let us know how to get copies of the GLAADIATOR video! Hope you enjoyed your time in Denver and you'll come back for more conventions.
Lori Langston <>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, April 24, 2001 at 03:57:43 (EST)
Just wanted to tell you that Debbie, Lorena & I loved your talk on Sunday at Starfury...........particularly the bit about our wife swapping conversation over breakfast(and to think I lent you my pen to make notes on that)! Thanks for coming over to the con, you are FAB and hope to see you there next year.
Allie Andrews <>
London, UK - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 01:49:01 (EST)
like to see keltic tattoos
jacky <>
heerlen, netherlands - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 20:43:43 (EST)
How are you ? I am a Downes in England
Adrian <>
Bridgwater, England - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 10:29:44 (EST)
We're still after you Byron.
Corps Commander <>
Chapel Hill, NC USA - Saturday, February 17, 2001 at 17:29:00 (EST)
Will there be any more Babylon V movies where you will have some sort of role to play. I also have another question for you: in the episode `Strange Relations` the telepaths were singin a song. I would like to know its title and if and where I can procure a copy of it
Lisa Steeves
Riverview , NB Canada - Wednesday, February 14, 2001 at 06:39:13 (EST)
Yes, It's my third entry, I know. But I had forgotten to tell you how much I love this webpage. By the way, in your resume it says you posess musical talent. Any chances of putting out a CD anytime soon? AS well, what are your favorite genres, groups and recording artists in the music world?
Lisa Steeves
Riverview , NB Canada - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 05:28:56 (EST)
Are there any plans to film another Babylon 5 movie? If so, I would love to see you revive Byron in some immortal form
Lisa Steeves
Riverview, NB Canada - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 05:21:57 (EST)
Are there any plans to film another Babylon 5 movie? If so, I would love to see you revive Byron in some immortal form
Lisa Steeves
Riverview, NNB Canada - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 05:20:59 (EST)
I simply loved the role of Byron in Babylon 5. By the way, I think you would have made a great Lestat in the sequel to Interview with the Vampire
Lisa Steeves
Riverview, NB Canada - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 05:18:11 (EST)
I met you about a year ago in CA. You were not feeling very well at the time. I just wanted to take this time to tell you that your web site is Great and I hope to see more of you in the future. Why do people call you DR.?
Sam <>
Fallon, NV USA - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 16:28:06 (EST)
I love this web site Robin !!! I hope you check out your fans messages from time to time ! This site is so cool.... I love all the pics that i can get of you and most of all I love you ! :o) I think you are soooo hot !!! hehe... any way i have seen you in all your guest spots in tvshows and movies of all is B5 I LOVED you as Byron !!!
Christine Carroll <>
Williamsburg , Va USA - Monday, October 09, 2000 at 01:14:51 (EST)
I like this site.
USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 08:10:07 (EST)
Robin, I have no idea if you'll read this, though I took several acting clases under your tutlidge at Temple University from 91-94 and I recently watched the Bab-5 episodes you were in. Bravo! I must say that Uta Hagen has taught you well and that you most definatley protrayed Byron in a beliveable light. ...of all of the preformances I've seen you in on stage, I think that this was your most spectacular. I wish you luck in your screen acting career. christopher neitzert ps- thanks for the A on my final reading, I appreacite it!
christopher neitzert <chris(AT)>
new york, ny USA - Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 15:59:51 (EST)
One word...BRILLIANT!
Cortene Simmons <>
Austin, tx USA - Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 16:31:43 (EST)
Hey, Robin. Loving this site! I doubt you remember me but I saw you at Starfury 99. Thought you were great! I did a pen drawing of you an all the other guests. Hope to see you at future cons. kimwei
kimwei <>
england - Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 00:23:39 (EST)
Kelli,you never told me you had a website,but I will say this I am very impressed how your site looks, Take Care,see you on the lists
Tim <>
renton, wa USA - Sunday, July 30, 2000 at 05:18:09 (EST)
Love your site! Met you at Toronto Trek 2000 and look forward to seeing you in lots of new shows and movies in the near future! Keep Smiling! ^_^ PS. When are you going to up date your site? Soon I hope! Take care! Luv ya! Byez!
Amy <>
Mississauga, ON CANADA - Friday, July 28, 2000 at 10:16:20 (EST)
Hey Robin! This is a great site!
Heidelberg, Germany - Saturday, July 22, 2000 at 04:25:50 (EST)
saw u on fed con-bonn. whats the mistery with your glad tidings cap? ;-) and why do u only drank the half of ya beer? sorry for my sh.. english. mo
mo <>
du, germany - Wednesday, July 19, 2000 at 10:51:22 (EST)
I loved seeing you at Toronto Trek! You do fab impressions, and I think you really want to be a comedian when you grow up! Hope to see you in lots of movie and TV work soon!
Larc Levy <>
Huntington Woods, MI USA - Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 03:07:27 (EST)
Last than 5 days to TORONTO TREK 2000, see you there. I was there 2 years ago. I was in the black cape and staff. I will be wearing that again this year. Good luck in the future.
Nicole < >
Midland, ON Canada - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 12:34:09 (EST)
Dear Mr. Downes, missed you a couple years back at the Trek Convention and am looking forward to meeting you this year. Until the T-Con, take care and God Bless. Keep Smiling!!
Amy Tucker <>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Thursday, July 06, ursday, July 06, 2000 at 09:34:53 (EST)
Hey Robin Just signing in to see how things are going, and to say that I cant wait to see u again at toronto trek in two weeks! Catch u there! Ian
Ian Goudge <>
toronto, on canada - Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 01:28:53 (EST)
Met Robin a couple of years ago at Toronto Trek. Am looking forward to seeing you this year. I will be my Klingon art of the time)
Cricket Courtney <>
ny USA - Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 11:07:44 (EST)
It wasn't peer pressure. Robin, it's jimmy of the jimmy and yaz fame. enjoyed the chat. respond regarding "state of grace" etc. Later
Jimmy <>
USA - Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 16:30:48 (EST)
robin! Gale told me you had a web site......what a trip! I'm in Utah with the shakespeare festival until September, and Gale and the kids are comig out in just a few weeks. after it's done it's back to Milwaukee for another season at the rep. Having a great time, back in the MIdwest where I belong....hope all is great with you, gale says she had a great chat with you on the phone---it was really nice of you to call---Thanks for keeping in touch...I don't know if this message will ever get to you personally, but if it does, here I am! Hope to see you before too long...JON
Jon Daly <>
Milwaukee, wi USA - Tuesday, June 06, 2000 at 05:32:09 (EST)
hi Robin, loved you in Nash Bridges and of course B5..come visit us on the Galactic Gateway site...hope to see you soon,spacey
USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 11:48:58 (EST)
Hello Robyn Thank you again for attending Anglicon 13 in SeaTac this year. I hope that you had a good flight back, and that we will get a chance to see you again sometime. -Robert
Robert Trousdale <>
Shoreline, WA USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 05:33:19 (EST)
dear robin it was nice to see you in bonn fedcon 8.the photos are o.k.(you remember the story last year?). did sandra gave you the "entrance"?what's your meaning? have a nice day, isa
isabeau <alraune-nana€>
köln, germany - Sunday, May 28, 2000 at 06:24:00 (EST)
Hi Robin, well, Tina already said it all! :-) I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll get your musical career going as well! We'd love to hear more!! Love, Toffee
Toffee <>
Bremen, Germany - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 05:04:49 (EST)
Hi Robin.... I had lots of fun in your panel at FedCon this weekend... Great!!! But.... to be true I was more than impressed when you sang (and played piano) at the closing !!! THAT WAS MORE THAN GREAT... Loved the song and your singing... So when will we have a chance to hear more of that or maybe there will be a CD sometime? Ok - hope you returned save and sound. Bye - Tina (anotherone of Jason's "chicks" of Berlin last year)
Tina <>
Sassenholz, Germany - Monday, May 22, 2000 at 22:16:40 (EST)
Hey Robin! Really looking forward to seeing u again at this years Toronto Trek (July14-16). If you have the time, first rounds on me ;-) Your friend Ian
Ian Goudge <>
Toronto , on Canada - Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 01:24:05 (EST)
Hi Robin, really looking forwardg you again in Bonn at FedCon8 next weekend! Greetings, Toffee (onchicks from the JCfc...)
Toffee <>
Bremen, Germany - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 00:29:36 (EST)
I remember meeting you at Chiller con'99 and you were so sweet! I am going to order an autographed pic, but would so love to meet you again in person. The real video is superb, a tribute to your acting talents. :)
Theresa Griffin <>
Rutherford, NJ USA - Saturday, May 13, 2000 at 08:47:50 (EST)
Hi Robin, I'd love your act in Babylon5! Have a great day, Marja
Marja <>
Ymuiden, Holland - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 19:43:35 (EST)
up the mighty celts!!
Craig McGuiness
Brizzy, QLD Aust - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 12:49:42 (EST)
Robin, Sorry about the 3 same messages - not sure what happened there!!!!!
USA - Friday, April 07, 2000 at 23:24:37 (EST)
Hello Robin, I thought I would check out your web site and I am very impressed, it was a great web site to look through and I thought I would just write a note to say thanks for everything on Saturday. I had a really great evening with yourself, Quentin and Charlotte, it was nice to meet you after I had heard so much about you from Quentin. Once again thanks very much and hopefully see you soon. Take Care Carie
USA - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 20:12:38 (EST)
Hello Robin, I thought I would check out your web site and I am very impressed, it was an great web site to look through and I thought I would just write a note to say thanks for everything on Saturday. I had a really great evening with yourself, Quentin and Charlotte, it was nice to meet you after I had heard so much about you from Quentin. Once again thanks very much and hopefully see you soon. Take Care Carie
USA - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 20:12:11 (EST)
Hello Robin, I thought I would check out you web page and I am very impressed - I wanted to take this oppurtunity to say thanks very much for everything on Saturday - Quentin, Charlotte and myself had a great time and it was nice to meet you. Hope all is going well and that you have recovered from your jet lag. Once again thanks very much Take Care Carie
Carie Hayes
USA - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 02:06:53 (EST)
Hi, I am finally getting a copy of the pic of you and Corwyn, my gryphon, from last year's Shore Leave. I will be attending several cons this year, so hopefully, I will see you at one of them, and give you an actual copy of the pic, Jeanette
Jeanette Healy <>
Middletown, NY USA - Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 07:10:06 (EST)
Fantastic website! The Celt in me loves the theme! Your role as Byron was spellbinding, keep up the good work!
Manchester, United Kingdom - Friday, March 03, 2000 at 23:39:38 (EST)
What can I say, this page is marvellous! :-) The celtic "theme" somehow fits this page perfectly and the pics are high quality. :-) Robin is a wonderful actor and I hope he keeps up the great work!!! :-)
Noora <>
Kaustinen, Finland - Friday, February 18, 2000 at 19:00:42 (EST)
My compliments on a tastefully done site. It well reflects the style and dignity of he who it honors. I thoroughly enjoyed both of my meetings with Robin: once at Dragoncon 99, and the second time at a toy show in Texas. My only regret was having my work gloves on at our second meeting. This cop wanted nothing more than to experience the thrill of touching that glorious hair, just once. Don't tell Bester. I did discover that I'm not the only one to have unusual B5 dreams. Robin and I swapped dream tales. I certainly join the multitude in saying that I hope to see more of him in the future. Thanks Robin.
Dawn Gordon <>
Ft Worth, TX USA - Friday, February 18, 2000 at 04:28:02 (EST)
ft. LEONARDWOOD, MO USA - Sunday, February 13, 2000 at 12:03:10 (EST)
Hello, I'm a new fan saw robin on tnt and though he was real cute but I heard he's got a girlfriend I cantwaint to see him on something esle. Lucy
Lucy <>
MYOB, Maybe - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 08:22:09 (EST)
Have you ever considered playing a vampire? You have the perfect eyes for such a role.
Lisa Johnson <>
Barrington, IL USA - Thursday, December 16, 1999 at 11:49:49 (EST)
First visit, no doubt first of many. Great site, great pics, great everything!
Becs <>
Cornwall UK - Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 10:06:23 (EST)
Robin--it was extremely thoughtful of you to send everyone an e-mail about your appearance on Nash Bridges...don't know who was cuter-you, or the two chimps that played Bananas! I was only disappointed that the part wasn't bigger! WHAT'S NEXT???!!!! :-)
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, November 22, 1999 at 16:47:25 (EST)
Hi! Just thought I'd visit your lovely website and say how much I loved the character of Byron in "Babylon 5". He was great!
Nic <>
Australia - Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 23:57:45 (EST)
Robin, it was a real pleasure to meet you in Berlin and my friends and I had a hell of a time in your panel (don't you ever consider yourself to be just Jason's warm-up act again!!). Hope we'll meet again sometime.. Love, Toffee (of JCFC :-) ...)
Toffee <>
Bremen, Germany - Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 23:51:36 (GMT-10)
Hi Robin! Hope, you enjoyed your stay in Berlin! I was realy frustrated to miss you panel, but we had to organise the timetables for the meetings with the press :-( Well, next time, next chance, hope you will visit Germany again soon! Your Nexus-Con Pizza-Service :-)
Corinna <>
Berlin, Germany - Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 23:35:57 (GMT-10)
It was a great Pleasure to meet you in Berlin at NEXUS CON. Good luck for the future,Reinhold,a Fan from Germany
Reinhold Heeg <>
Gelnhausen, Germany - Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 04:00:36 (GMT-10)
ya lunk
USA - Sunday, August 22, 1999 at 22:12:06 (GMT-10)
Hi Robin! I have almost all of the epps that you are in from babylon5 on tape except for the first one. =( I've wached them all the time. I go around singing, And we will all come together in a better place, a better place than this... Is it true that Byron is not dead? Or is it just a rummor?
Ashley Goodman (Nadja) <>
Omaha, ne USA - Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 07:13:53 (GMT-10)
Robin, it was a pleasure to see you again at DragonCon. Thanks for autographing a card for my 5-year my 5-year old daughter (who was dressed as a medieval princess--you should'veshould've seen her as The Little Mermaid at the Masquerade Contest!). Hope you will enjoy the scarf! Best/b>
Lynnea Stadelmann <>
Tryon, NC USA - Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 07:19:44 (GMT-10)
I love the website. I hope you could attend United Fan con in Springfield MA in november.I met you at Shore Leave. Jennifer's friend. I may turn in my corps badge. But not yet. Sincerly, christine
christine <>
Stamford, CT USA - Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 07:49:36 (GMT-10)
Any chance of a sounds area set up on the site? I miss the sound of your voice and know there are others out there that might have never heard you sing (Such as myself)
Purps <>
USA - Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 10:51:27 (GMT-10)
Hi, Lord Byron. I am now setting up my superhero school and I hope that you would want me to do a file on your character. Until we meet on the net, my teacher........ DANGER WOMAN
Danger Woman <>
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 07:51:22 (GMT-10)
Hey Robin! Nice site. Just thought I would check things out and say hello. Shore leave was a blast. You owe me a rematch at air hockey, my friend! Later-
Red Johnston <>
Boston, MA USA - Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 05:45:04 (GMT-10)
I was the female Klingon with the flame colored hair. So glad you enjoyed being arrested by us. Most males do, there is just something about a female Klingon. You were a most cooperative prisoner. I too enjoyed our time together. bomDI' IwwIj qaqaw / the memory of you sings in my blood Until we meet again. Qapla! Success! Pa'tra
Pa'tra of the Imperial Klingon Battle Fleet
USA - Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 20:42:22 (GMT-10)
Robin! Hello my man! It is hard to believe that so much time has passed since last we met. I hope you will enjoy Dragon this year...even though I won't be there. Think of me as I often do you. "...we will all come together in a better place." The "new" site is just as lovely as the last, but so much better...more things and places. Save me a great card...order is on the way to you. Give my best to those you know I know, and of course to Jeffrey. Til we meet again. The very best life has to you. M
Muriel Moore <>
Dover, NH USA - Friday, June 25, 1999 at 12:42:29 (GMT-10)
Hi, Robin! Thanks for finding me! Absolutely inspiring web site . . . tell Doc that he is very talented! I had to smile at the Southpark likeness of you. Will send you the Southpark likeness a friend of mine designed for my character in our ongoing fan fic "Boojilon 5". Will send the Booji site URL's in my E-Mail to you. A number of our Booji friends will be seeing you at Dragon Con . . . you will know them by the buckets on their head {just kidding}. Thanks for the link to this page . . . truly fabulous! Lindaru ;~)
Linda Irwin <>
McCall, ID USA - Wednesday, June 23, 1999 at 15:45:50 (GMT-10)
I just saw Robin at a convention in Cincinnati and was impressed. I would like to see on this web site a list of upcoming conventions where Robin will be appearing. Thanks for this web site and the information on it.
Judie <>
Dayton, OH USA - Monday, June 21, 1999 at 11:25:47 (GMT-10)
i enjoyed all the B5 shows still do. Is there anything on now or coming up that you are going to be in?
kelli o'shea <>
riverside, ca USA - Sunday, June 20, 1999 at 14:29:52 (GMT-10)
Great page,love the font!This is now a bookmarked page for me!!
Enshali (AKA Melissa) <>
Columbus, OH USA - Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 01:04:31 (EST)
Amazing website, graphics, etc. Love the celtic touch especially. I think it's great that you attend chat with your fans, and post on the message boards. Wow... Looking forward to seeing you at Chiller in May. I'll be one of the volunteers helping out with security. Although I get picked on since I'm petite, I can sure yell loud enough when I have to, haha. Chiller here in NJ is never a dull con. And it's not your normal sci-fi con either. Just ask Mark Goddard, he just keeps on coming back.
Jennifer <>
Kearny, NJ USA - Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 09:46:18 (EST)
Quite an excellent site. I thoroughly enjoyed the use of the old style lettering; it was very appropriate. I have enjoyed watching you character develop over the last season. Although, I agree with my fellow fans that the good ones die. Thank you for the inspiration you have given us.
Don Cortright <>
Tampa, FL USA - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 12:11:56 (EST)
Robin,found your site this morning & very impressed with the whole look,it's very appropriate given who Byron was & espically love your astology profile. I hope to watch you in the future & wish for you every good fortune of the heart,mind,body & soul. I leave you with TWO of my favorite quote's: "RIGHT NOW WE'RE JUST BROWSING THRU TIME,TO CHOOSE THE THINGS WE'LL BE PROUDEST OF,THE THINGS THAT LAST." & "LIFE ISN'T HOW LONG WE LIVE,IT'S THE JOURNEY THAT COUNTS." May you have many wonderful things to be proud of & may you be blessed with a great journey. Thanks again for giving us a part of your heart in Byron!
Kate Robb <>
Cody, Wy USA - Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 06:46:09 (EST)
Robin,found your site this morning & very impressed with the whole look,it's very appropriate given who Byron was & espically love your astology profile. I hope to watch you in the future & wish for you every good fortune of the heart,mind,body & soul. I leave you with TWO of my favorite quote's: "RIGHT NOW WE'RE JUST BROWSING THRU TIME,TO CHOOSE THE THINGS WE'LL BE PROUDEST OF,THE THINGS THAT LAST." & "LIFE ISN'T HOW LONG WE LIVE,IT'S THE JOURNEY THAT COUNTS." May you have many wonderful things to be proud of & may you be blessed with a great journey. Thanks again for giving us a part of your heart in Byron!
Kate Robb <>
Cody, Wy USA - Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 06:42:22 (EST)
I love the site. It's nice to be able to keep up with your work. Robin (Wood) and I look forward to seeing you at Contraption this April.
Mike Short <>
Dearborn Heights, MI USA - Saturday, March 13, 1999 at 14:31:30 (EST)
I saw you at a convention in Chicago this past Thanksgiving weekend. I also heard you sing at the Celebrity Variety Show. You have a wonderful voice. Do you have any upcoming TV or movie work that I can watch for?
Lisa Johnson <>
Barrington, IL USA - Friday, March 12, 1999 at 12:30:45 (EST)
Great site. I don't usually comment on these things....your efforts to entertain all of us B5 fans has been a success! I have enjoyed your character and you....good luck on future projects.
Charlie <>
TX USA - Thursday, February 25, 1999 at 15:32:06 (EST)
Great site. I don't usually comment on these things....your efforts to entertain all of us B5 fans has been a success! I have enjoyed your character and you....good luck on future projects.
Charlie <>
TX USA - Thursday, February 25, 1999 at 15:31:25 (EST)
Great site. I don't usually comment on these things....your efforts to entertain all of us B5 fans has been a success! I have enjoyed your character and you....good luck on future projects.
Chaliie <>
TX USA - Thursday, February 25, 1999 at 15:30:09 (EST)
This site is neat!!!!!!!!! I love the celtic lettering. Dowes does a good job in Babylon 5. I like all the diffrent characters he has played!!
Jennifer Pitts <>
Columbia, MO USA - Tuesday, February 23, 1999 at 14:06:28 (EST)
The site that was done for you looks really neat so far from what I've seen. Can't wait to meet the person behind Byron at Dragoncon in July. . A fellow actor and a fan, Pam.
Pamela K. Kinney <>
Chesterfield, VA. USA - Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 13:29:07 (EST)
The site looks really neat so far from what I've seen. can't wait to meet the person behind it at Dragoncon in July. If I remember you're a guest. A fellow actor and a fan, Pam.
Pamela K. Kinney <>
Chesterfield, VA. USA - Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 13:26:02 (EST)
Lovely site that's quite well done!
Candra K. Gill <>
Madison, WI USA - Friday, February 12, 1999 at 13:15:06 (EST)
Hey:) Cool site! I just love the Celtic lettering. You were GREAT in B5 as both Byron and Morann, though I didn't know you played anyone else till recently. Why is it that every time we get a male character that we like, he dies? And poor Lyta...Will she always be alone? Well..apparently so since the show is not over. It's just not fair...However...maybe Byron has a twin? hehehe...Hope to see you in another show soon!
Kristen Caldwell <>
Springfield, MO USA - Sunday, February 07, 1999 at 12:32:39 (EST)
Robin I love you! I think your a great actor. You were so cool on Babylon 5. I love your long hair. Never cut it! Keep on being the wonderful you, and REMEMBER BYRON!!!!!
Bethany Skylor <Aida286517>
WI USA - Friday, January 22, 1999 at 14:23:18 (EST)
Love Bab5, love Byron. Why the hell do they kill the great ones off? HMMMM? This is Oz so we haven't seen all of Bab5 yet. At this rate it will be the year 3000 before we do grrrr. Tell em to bring back Byron in the movie or wotever is coming up. OR I WON'T WATCH IT HEHEHE. Have a great year Robin.
Julianne Mansveld <>
Adelaide, SA Australia - Tuesday, January 19, 1999 at 22:51:07 (EST)
As some of you have noticed I've been active on RAD's list since Nov. I must thank Robin (you are a brave man), for my this is one of my favorite playgrounds. I am eternally in your debt, this has been more fun than a basket of kittens! Ah, if we could have but met ten years ago! With Love Always, Glencora Falconer
Glencora Fb>
Glencora Falconer <>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, January 13, 1999 at 07:21:33 (EST)
As some of you have noticed I've been active on RAD's list since Nov. I must thank Robin (you are a brave man), for my this is one of my favorite playgrounds. I am eternally in your debt, this has been more fun than a basket of kittens! Ah, if could have but met ten years ago! With Love Always, Glencora FGlencora Falconer <>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, January 13, 1999 at 07:20:46 (EST)
I'm a late comer to the the RAD fandom, and I like that this web site is so active and wordy. Robin Atkin Downes is a much better actor than he needs to be having a face like that. My husband is getting jealous! All the best, Ariel Dussett
Ariel Dussett
USA - Wednesday, January 06, 1999 at 01:20:57 (EST)
Incredible site - what a great Teep Trick! Happy 1999!
Lin <>
UK - Sunday, January 03, 1999 at 01:22:15 (EST)
Very interesting and colorful pages...I like the Celtic lettering. I have learned a lot by reading these pages. Happy New Year.
Rickee <">>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Saturday, January 02, 1999 at 11:50:26 (EST)
Robin, Great site! Thanks for your friendship this year, Best Wishes for Happy Holidays and continued success in 1999! oh yeah...don't let me ever find you sleeping with my girlfriend again! Jeffrey
Jeffrey Willerth <>
Vorlonville, Other - Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 03:45:03 (EST)
strange / I was born in england /now living in usa what do i do / I am a lighting designer / moving light programer / Good luck in this coming year robin
Robin downes < >
las vegas , nv USA - Friday, December 18, 1998 at 11:10:17 (EST)
I look Babylon5 from the first time, but since you are in the serie´s, Babylon5 is my other favorite series. Here in germany we saw the season when you come to Babylon 5 Thanks for your guestappearances. Good luck for the future susann
'Susann Jasker <>
Haenigsen, Germany - Friday, December 04, 1998 at 21:05:07 (EST)
I've been to this website several times without signing the guest book! :-) But, better late than never! :-) It's lovely, I particularly like the Celtic theme. I've been scanning the guest entries - Robin, are your people from Scotland? My mother's people are originally from Scotland, settled in Nova Scotia where mom was born. Dad's people are from Wales, settled in Newfoundland. But...all that is beside the point! :-) Robin, it's especially nice that you take the time to participate directly, and you genuinely seem to enjoy it! That helps make this a very interactive site and contributes to it's 'friendliness'. In short - I love the site, it has a quiet elegance and warmth - nice job everyone! :-) Take Care! From Robin's 'Lady of the Charged Amethyst' :-)
Donna Baldwin <DBal367976>
Lynn, MA USA - Tuesday, December 01, 1998 at 14:07:33 (EST)
The Variety Show at Visions was the best I've seen in years, and I've been going since around '91. A lot of the credit goes to your M.C.'ing ability, but a lot also goes to YOU! Who knew you could sing like that!? p.s. I'm older than your lovely mother, so this is not just fan-gush...
Carolyn <>
USA - Tuesday, December 01, 1998 at 11:54:10 (ESb>Hi, I'm an overage SF fan, (38 and counting) and I really enjoyed seeing RAD in Crystal City, Virginia. Though I must admit when last you see someone and they're blowing/emollating themselves into tiny little bits, and then seeing them sprinting through a Hyatt Regency lobby it can all be a bit disconcerting......:) Love to all, a old/new fan. Wendy ;-))

Wendy Joines <>
Alexandria, VA USA - Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 02:09:55 (EST)
Raaje, was hannin nibisanse?
USA - Monday, November 09, 1998 at 23:00:36 (EST)
Really enjoyed meeting Robin at ZonCon! For some reason after hearing him speak, I had the unavoidable urge to speak with a British accent, even though he didn't most of the time - can't explain it. So intelligent, articulate, funny, ... I could go on. Let's do all we can to make sure we see more of Robin in the future!
Tara Taylor <>
Salisbury, MD USA - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 14:37:25 (EST)
I'm proud to know you-ha ha of luck with your future endeavors!!!
Theresa Musser
USA - Saturday, September 26, 1998 at 09:50:14 (EST)
Dear Robin: I missed the episode in which you died. Is Byron really dead, or is he going to show up again in the future? I would also like to know a few vital statistics about you; such as heighh, marital status, etc. Thanks.
Lisa M. Johnson <>
Barrington, IL USA - Saturday, September 26, 1998 at 02:06:12 (EST)
Hello, Robin. Love the pages! Nicely done. I had to point you out to my wife in ATONEMENT, she swore you weren't in it. But she finally recognized you under all that make-up. Then we watched PHONEIX RISING and she cried. Next weekend is Stellar Occassion, a Dallas, TX-based Babylon 5 convention -- 5th year and Stephen Furst and Ed Wasser (second time for him!) will be here. Would love to have you make it sometime!
Spence mabry <smabry@flash.eny>
Benbrook, TX USA - Sunday, September 13, 1998 at 05:07:41 (EST)
***** Hey Happy Birthday!!!! ****** Robin is 30... Cool rappin' with you on the phone this morning, we'll talk more. Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!! Simon
Tokyo, USA - Friday, September 11, 1998 at 00:01:26 (EST)
Hey Robin!!! Glad, I finally got to see your site... it's pretty cool! I like red... They got some good pics of you the Toronto Trek website... and yes, I will send you my pics and that "communicator" keychain, really soon!!! TTYL, Kay
Karenza Sutton "Salinger" <>
Toronto, on Canada - Thursday, September 03, 1998 at 16:56:59 (EST)
Hi, Always glad to find another of the Downes clan about the world, anything you might be able to add to our common Scottish heritage would be grand. My Best John P. Downes - 9/2/1998 (425)822-0438 PS I understand that all of us spelled Downes and Downs are from the same and only family in Scottland. re. John
John Partridge Downes <>
Kirkland , WA USA - Wednesday, September 02, 1998 at 19:25:51 (EST)
This is a great sight, and it's really nice to see actors getting online and talking to their fans. Keep up the sight, and from all the B5 fans in my city, "You're not really dead!!" Can't wait to see more of you!!
Leia Spialter <>
Bexley, OH USA - Wednesday, September 02, 1998 at 11:12:50 (EST)
Hey Wobbie, Glad to see your page made it over 10-grover 10-grand, I guess we can shoot for 100-grand now BTW if your interested, I got a couple of tickets for the Jimmy Buffet Concert :) ready to sing Margaritaville again ? Well i hope I get to make to VOR to see you and the cast again, take care Mike (BTW, Yes Robin can sing very well)
Mike Wheaton <>
Colo. Springs, CO USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 16:09:13 (EST)
Awesome page, Robin! It's really neat to se an actor do his own website. Keep up the great work!
Charlynn Kate Smith <>
Casper, WY USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 08:31:39 (EST)
Nice web page Doc. I like the scripting and the layout.
Rex <>
Coarsegold, ca USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 14:17:12 (EST)
Just hadta do this, uh yup, I did. Besides that, I just couldn't resist the (overwhelming, compulsive, obsessive - not shy of adjectives) urge to say: You're easy on the eyes and ears - can't wait to see more of your work!
Khrysknife (aka KK) <>
Chula Vista, CA USA - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 07:32:07 (EST)
I was visiting your website and wanted to say hi my grandmother is Muriel Moore and she thinks your really special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jennifer <>
dover, nh USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 04:02:57 (EST)
B5 is a wonderful show and I will miss it very much. There's not an actor/actress or crew member that hasn't done an outstanding job! Well, at least as far as I can tell from the show...anyway, love you all and may many blessings be yours. Love, Holly
Holly A. Carroll <>
Newton, NC USA - Wednesday, July 29, 1998 at 01:01:43 (EST)
Hey Robin! I just wanted to thank you so much for making it up to Toronto for Toronto Trek. It was really cool getting the chance to meet you as well as hang with you at the bar Saturday night. It was a lot of fun. Feel free to come back up to Canada anytime you want.
Ian Goudge <>
Etobicoke, ON Canada - Sunday, July 26, 1998 at 21:32:52 (EST)
Hi Robin: I found you after all this time and boy am I glad, I thought that I'd never see this page. I found a thing called Go To.Com and thought I'd give it one last try and it found you!! In case your memory si faulty we met when you were at a con in Atlanta GA A while back. Love to you always yoda(aka Lynn)
Lynn Williams <>
Union City, GA USA - Saturday, July 25, 1998 at 04:28:59 (EST)
your the best and you are looking good
mylene tremblay <>
st-jean, quebec canada - Wednesday, July 22, 1998 at 06:14:15 (EST)
your the best and you are looking good
mylene tremblay <>
st-jean, quebec canada - Wednesday, July 22, 1998 at 06:14:00 (EST)
Hi Robin. I've been out at your site on and off for some time, but only recently obtained my own e-mail address. Now I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. Thanks for creating such a wonderful site that we can keep coming back to. I can't wait to meet you at RebelCon in July/August. Ellen.
Ellen Courtemanche <>
Dover, NH USA - Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 08:03:51 (EST)
Hello Robin; You may not remember who I am but you signed a few photo's for me at the "TORONTO TREK" convention this Saturday and sunday. I saw the lasw the last 45min. of your show that started at 11:00pm I got there at 11:20 just in time to hear you sing yyour "Hairy-bottom" with Jeff Conaway. It was so funny I almost fell out of my chair. I think you are a very talented actor and I hope that I will be seeing you in other television shows in the futur. From: Jasmine S.M. Rabb
Jasmine Rabb <>
Dundas, ON Canada - Monday, July 13, 1998 at 13:03:47 (EST)
Hello Robin; You may not remember who I am but you signed a few photo's for me at the "TORONTO TREK" convention this Saturday and sunday. I saw the last 45min. of your show that started at 11:00pm I got there at 11:20 just in time to hear you sing your song about your "Hairy-bottom" with Jeff Conaway. It was so funny I almost fell out of my chair. I think you are a very talented actor and I hope that I will be seeing you in other television shows in the futur. From: Jasmine S.M. Rabb
Jasmine Rabb <>
Dundas, ON Canada - Monday, July 13, 1998 at 13:03:45 (EST)
Hello Robin; You may not remember who I am but you signed a few photo's for me at the "TORONTO TREK" convention this Saturday and sunday. I saw the last 45min. of your show that started at 11:00pm I got there at 11:20 just in time to hear you sing your song about your "Hairy-bottom" with Jeff Conaway. It was so funny I almost fell out of my chair. I think you are a very talented actor and I hope that I will be seeing you in other television shows in the futur. From: Jasmine S.M. Rabb
Jasmine Rabb <>
Dundas, ON Canada - Monday, July 13, 1998 at 13:03:42 (EST)
Hello Robin;
Jasmine Rabb <>
Dundas, ON Canada - Monday, July 13, 1998 at 11:11:14 (EST)
Robin, I think the web site is cool. Have you got my second e-mai yet? I am wondering, Do you [or anybody else reading this] know when the next convention is in England thanx, Andy
Andrew Thornton <>
Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England - Sunday, July 12, 1998 at 07:09:20 (EST)
Hi Robin! Finally had time to check your cool site! Thanks for the visit. It was so nice to have SO many people at the service and to visit afterward. You never realize how many people you know until such a time as that when they all come together at once. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the support and to wish you continued success!
Guy Hughes Core <>
- Monday, July 06, 1998 at 18:15:06 (EST)
Thanks for the welcome!!! St.Andrews, eh? Small world!!!
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND - Saturday, June 27, 1998 at 20:13:52 (EST)
Hey, DOCTOR, thanks for stopping by, please come and visit us again soon. There's always something new happening here.
Kaye (Polo) <>
St Andrews, Scotland - Saturday, June 27, 1998 at 01:33:58 (EST)
Hi to POLO!!! I followed your link from the mvp forums where you know me as the DOCTOR!!! Nice site and well put together. I enjoyed Downes' performances in B5 and it's nice to see a site acknowledging that.
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND - Friday, June 26, 1998 at 20:27:52 (EST)
Prod Harris was here!
Prod Harris <>
USA - Wednesday, June 24, 1998 at 19:51:38 (EST)
Loved Byron. Nice looking site but that Jeffrey guy needs a life. I think I'll hang elsewhere.
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, June 15, 1998 at 16:21:47 (/etc/localtime)
Enjoyed the charachtor of Bryan. He was a very sympathetic charactor. Would have liked to learn more of him, though, and seen more of him! Am glad my friend Judith Conly suggested we watch the Babylon 5 that introduced Byron.
Pat Nolan <>
USA - Wednesday, June 10, 1998 at 00:31:06 (/etc/localtime)
Just wanted to say that I loved th that I loved the character of Byron right off, and I was extremely disappointed that he left the show so soon.
Wendy Gary <>
Terrell, Tx USA - Saturday, June 06, 1998 at 22:56:12 (/etc/localtime)
Aye Mary! What a splendiferous web site!! (Wow, I guess private schooling has it's perks.) Enjoyed seeing you at Vulkon. I wish you continued success and look forward to meeting you again. Goodnight sweet prince! (Not as interesting as your poetry, but . . .)
Gloria Pitts
Tallahassee, FL USA - Wednesday, June 03, 1998 at 01:25:09 (/etc/localtime)
Well Robin, Figured I would summit myself to the List, had a great time together. We need to do that more offen, but not when you have a early flight in the morning. I, myself spend to much time behind this computer screen, as time goes on I will get out more offen. Looking forward in going to LA. This time pay back to the early flight from you to me. I wish the best to you in what ever you plan for your future. Your Friend and Beer Bud, George
George & Alicia Albertson <>
Middletown, NY USA - Tuesday, May 26, 1998 at 14:48:26 (/etc/localtime)
Robin, you were wonderful at Vulkon! I hope that we (staff) made your visit a pleasurable one! Take care! {Hey Doc, great site!!!)
Pamela <>
Birmingham, Al USA - Monday, May 25, 1998 at 09:36:03 (/etc/localtime)
I enjoyed meeting you at Vulkon.
Kathryn Webster <>
Ellenwood, GA USA - Monday, May 25, 1998 at 09:12:49 (/etc/localtime)
Robin, loved your poetry!!!! You were great at the Atlanta Vulcon (5-23-98) Peggy
Peggy Eubanks <>
Warrenville , SC USA - Monday, May 25, 1998 at 01:43:17 (/etc/localtime)
Robin you are the best thing to happen to season 5, your performances are mesmerising - and I am not a telepath! Come to the uk soon, your British fans want to see you as well. Love Heather
Heather Sellors <hsellors @>
Cardiff, UK - Sunday, May 24, 1998 at 17:15:42 (/etc/localtime)
Hey Up Val Lass!! Thats reet neece of you. Tis long time since we chatted still you been busy i'nt Tripe Shop. Hey Lass you kooling after lad he needs cuddle from time time just like you. Fancy a Lancashire lass ending up in this place, in those strong arms,clutched lass aye clutched against his mighty chest. Strange things happen in this world and me thinks he's a bit over the moon with you. Love Jeffreyxx
Jeffrey Downes <>
UK - Sunday, May 24, 1998 at 11:33:57 (/etc/localtime)
Cool page.
Edo Steinberg <>
Beer Sheva, Israel - Wednesday, May 20, 1998 at 12:02:59 (/etc/localtime)
Hey darlin' It's been awhile since I wrote in your guest book. Had some time at work so here goes. I am very proud of you and the success you have had so far. The rest of your web page that I hadn't seen looks great! Jeffrey you are doing a bang up job. Love Valerie!
Valerie Anne Morehouse <>
USA - Tuesday, May 19, 1998 at 18:42:25 (/etc/localtime)
Please, entries made here should not contain any **SPOILERS** !! We have visitors from all over the world looking through these pages...and some places are ahead of others in the arc. Please be kind to everyone...leave a message without remarking on what happens in the episodes! We welcome You here and invite you to join us on The Forum, where the same **NO SPOILER** rule appplies as well as the occassional online chats with Robin, himself, in Byron Chat which are announced several days in advance on The Forum. Don't pass up the opportunity to join in and say hello! Jennie Orlando
Jennie Orlando <>
Orlando, FL USA - Monday, May 18, 1998 at 03:24:28 (/etc/localtime)
Greetings Once again (pooh poet) I have to admit that I was upset with myself for not having seen the new season and your character. However after meeting you at that almost, 1st time con in New York and having you buy me and my friend beer (the first time ever offered to me by a well known actor) I have to say I was very impressed and look forward to hearing more "pooh" poetry....Think about publishing them...bout publishing Till we meet again and the beer is on me, (real beer this time.....perhaps a Pint of Guniess?). ooops one more thing....look at to find out about living, loving and parting in the Current Middle Ages.. Xaviar the Eccentric
Xaviar= Josefdamian Raymond Anthony Xaviar Fideli <Lord>
Patchogue/Northport, ny/fl USA - Monday, May 18, 1998 at 01:34:54 (/etc/localtime)
Glad to have a chance to check out the web site. Looks great!!! Also glad to see people I know in the old home week. Keep up the good work...hope to see you at a con in Canada soon?
Cindy Huckle <>
Mississauga, Ont. Canada - Monday, May 18, 1998 at 01:21:44 (/etc/localtime)
Smokenhoussen Ah Sao Lia Pa to Chi under noip fgu mon Simon Dad
USA - Sunday, May 17, 1998 at 20:04:50 (/etc/localtime)
I must admit when Byron first came into B5 I was not sure whether I'd like him or not but after about 20 seconds of his great acting I think he was one of the best additions to the show's cast. Although in the UK, I must say I've seen "Phoenix Rising" and almost cried, I won't give too much away. It's a pity that your character never surpassed Episode 11, because most people I know thought you were great. Season 5 is just as great as 3 and 4. In fact everything about B5 and Byron is great !
Andy Smith <>
Bristol, UK - Thursday, May 14, 1998 at 21:35:48 (/etc/localtime)
It was great meeting you at Marcon and learning about your life and career. I hope you're right and that Byron is not dead. Or maybe they'll bring Moran back. Best of luck and we hope to see you at future events.
David Spialter <>
Columbus, OH USA - Thursday, May 14, 1998 at 18:36:40 (/etc/localtime)
simon in Japan
USA - Thursday, May 14, 1998 at 17:17:53 (/etc/localtime)
Great straight forward acting, to bad for Pat they lost you. Visions, Visions, Visions 98, great name for the convention in Chicago. Just to let everyone know that Patti and I are thinking about you visiting Chicago at Thanksgiving. Will let everybody know the good or bad news this next week. Bob
Bob McLaughlin <>
Near Chicago, IL USA - Tuesday, May 12, 1998 at 03:36:29 (/etc/localtime)
Awsome sight Rob.....very nice performance in B5 One question though, how many "takes" wer required for the Lyta scene??? heheheh
Woodrow Kirton <>
USA - Friday, May 08, 1998 at ocaltime)
Hi Robin, It was great meeting you at Marcon. Your talk was not only informative, but very entertaining. I have added a link to your lovely website on the Links page of our chat group's web page. As long as there are Babylon 5 fans, Byron will be very much alive. :-)
Terri Rohde "Ravensong" <>
Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, May 05, 1998 at 14:03:25 (/etc/localtime)
Aarggh!! I finally get the time to check out this lovely site again and thought I'd see if anyone commented on last night's episode of B5 ("In the Kingdom of the Blind"). Unfortunately, I ended up discovering about Byron's demise in an upcoming (to us) episode of the show. Tell me it ain't true!! First Marcus and now Byron, I can't take it! :-( We haven't even seen this episode yet here in T.O. Maybe it won't hurt so much because I'll be prepared, but I'd rather have not known about it ahead of time. Robin, how could they do that to you! You have been doing such a wonderful job as Byron and they've barely scratched the surface of his character. I had been looking forward to learning more and more about him. I was even hoping that, as Byron, you might end up on the new spinoff series. Well, if you can't be Byron in that series, they'll just have to write another terrific character for you to portray! Rest assured I will continue to check out your site, watch you in your future roles and support you in your career as much as possible. I'm going to have a lie down now to try to deal with this shocking news.
Sharon Cozens <>
North York, ON Canada - Tuesday, May 05, 1998 at 03:39:27 (EST)
Thanks for a great weekend at Marcon! I really enjoyed meeting you and hearing your talk as well as the disucssions. I was very pleased when you wrote down the address to our irc chat channel. It shows a quality that is rare your business. I look forward to seeing you in our chat room. Thanks again for making Marcon a great time.
Rick Allen <>
Columbus, Oh USA - Monday, May 04, 1998 at 23:16:31 (EST)
Thanks for a great time at Marcon! I enjoyed very much your talk and the responses to the questions. You and Fiona made the weekend worth the visit and time to be there. I was very pleased when you wrote down the address to our irc chat room. Not many would do that and it shows a great quality on your part in your appreciation of the fans. I look forward to seeing you in our chat group. Thanks again for coming to Marcon.
Rick Allen <>
Columbus, OH USA - Monday, May 04, 1998 at 23:09:47 (EST)
Thanks for being at Marcon. It was truly a pleasure meeting you and Fiona! I enjoyed our discussions enormously. Nice web site, too. Best of Luck! Long live Byron!
Philip Powers <>
Columbus, OH USA - Monday, May 04, :36:07 (EST)
Hello All - I'm posting again to give you a new heck out. No, it's not Bab5, or even science fiction. It's a web site for a documentary called Ballad of Fire. Not only is it a great documentary, but it was conceived, filmed and edited by my younger brother, James Knight. It's the true story of an arsonist who was terrorizing his LA neighborhood. I'm very proud of James, and wanted to share his work with my new friends here. The site address is - Someday I'm going to watch my little brother accept the Oscar for best documentary! Check out his site. Thanks!
Ceilidh <>
Ann Arbor, MI USA - Wednesday, April 29, 1998 at 23:39:07 (EST)
Hi all... just popped back because the links and address in my earlier entry are now out of date. My email is now, and please also check out my web site at - with expanding B5 section! We were treated to "The Paragon of Animals" in the UK today - I'm assuming as there are so many fans of byron that he's a "good guy", but I don't know... something dark about him - what is he going to talk Lyta into??? (Please DON'T tell me if you know...) Still, I like the character anyway. As I said in my earlier posting, a lot of what I like/dislike about a character depends on the actor playing him... and you do a great job, Robin.
Adam Wright <>
Northampton, UK - Monday, April 27, 1998 at 02:49:28 (EST)
May I offer my congratulations to your most pleasingly Lindsfarnian site. Also my appreciation to your fine portrayals on Babylon 5. I said so before elsewhere, but I would like to post a suggestion here. If whoever is responsible for the film optioning of Moorcock's "Elric of Melnibone" decides to get serious and actually do the deed, it is my well-considered opinion that you are by far the actor best suited for the title role. This is not empty praise---- I have been very familiar with this cycle of stories for nearly twenty years, yet I have been greatly impressed by your abilities in the brief time that I have seen your performances. Cheers and be blessed!
Bruce Lemeiux <>
USA - Saturday, April 25, 1998 at 01:55:17 (EST)
I love the fancy writing, one of the best web-sites I've come across in a long, long time. As for Bablyon 5 - it just keeps getting better and better - along with the actors! What more can I say other than thanks to Jennie for pointing me this way!!!
Kaye <klw1 1998 at 02:28:04 (EST)
How lovely to find so much information on "Byron", and to be able to start to find out about the person who plays him. I've only seen the first few Season 5 episodes, but have already grown fond of this engimatic character. Thankyou to those who have set up this excellent website.
Marion Breeze
Chelmsford, England - Sunday, April 19, 1998 at 20:28:33 (EST)
Hi, Robin. Great site! Season 5 just started here in the UK as you probably know, and I reckon Byron's a great character - helped of course by the actor playing him! I'm currently adding a B5 section to my own web site, which also has some cast photos... Any chance of an exclusive "To Adam..." picture to add to my photo list??? PLEASE?!?! ;-)
Adam Wright <>
Northampton, UK - Friday, April 17, 1998 at 09:51:23 (EST)
kewl site. i'm a big fan as well. thanx.
Bat'leth <>
wadsworth, oh USA - Thursday, April 16, 1998 at 08:54:39 (EST)
Just caught the post from Dawn. Is there a SciFi Dreamin' this year? Last year was great with "Marcus" Are you in contact with Marje, etal re: RAD and RebelCon? Don't have e-mail addresses for them, but did send a post to the site. We want RAD at RebelCon! ShoreLeave would be an added blast, doubt I can make it much to do, so little time. Please write if you can.
Tessa <>
Dover, NH USA - Monday, April 13, 1998 at 04:30:09 (EST)
Hi, Robin! This is a beautiful site! Thanks so much for your accessibility to us fans; we do so much appreciate it! I was very happy to see that you've been added to the guest list for the NY convention in May. I guess I'll have to drive up there to the con now . I'm still hoping that you might also be invited to Shoreleave or RebelCon though.
Dawn (a.k.a. Xenos)
Burlington, CT USA - Sunday, April 12, 1998 at 10:33:21 (EST)
UK - Sunday, April 12, 1998 at 10:32:35 (EST)
Simon Hello and hear from you soon. Indeed those were days to be thought of with great joy as life was more simple. It is fascinating that when we all reflect we find these moments that you have spoken of and for some reason we do not remember too much of the bad times. Perhaps that is something to do with me ( that I am not sure of ) Wink Wink but I do find that this part of life that we lead is perhaps that which is preparing us for far greater things to come. We are indeed fortunate that we are able to share each other and perhaps it it is that that simply provides us with the drive and energy to carry on and do things that we would actually have never imagined to be possible, to even come true. Perhaps in this place there is that energy of which I speak that near touch ... a sensation that great families share but in the race of life we sometimes miss. It is indeed one thing to heave hard upon the string of our respective bows and another to place in ... the fierce arrow, and then another to tax us to lower our bow's and line up with the target ... the target of life. Love DaD
UK - Saturday, April 11, 1998 at 08:08:20 (EST)
I don't if you're familiar with Billy Joel's song "Goodnight Saigon" but I found it very promising to re-write as Byron's group events, etc, you know what I mean. Goodnight Saigon (Goodnight B5) We met as soul mates On B5 station We fooodnight B5) We met as soul mates On B5 station We found ourselves trapped From Corps intentions And we were sharp As sharp as knives And we were so gung ho To lay down our lives We came in spastic Like tameless horses We left in plastic As numbered corpses And we learned fast To travel light Our arms were heavy But our bellies were tight We had no home front We had no soft soap They gave us brown sect. Then gave us no more We dug in deep And shot on sight And prayed to Jesus Christ With all our might We had no cameras To shoot the landscape We sung a lullabye To show us the way And it was dark So dark at night And we held on to each other Like brother to brother We promised our mothers we'd write And we would all go down together We said we'd all go down together Remember Byron Remember Simon They let their lives end For what they wanted And who was wrong? And who was right? It didn't matter in the thick of the fight We held the day In the palm Of our hand They ruled the night And the night Seemed to last as long as two months On B5 station We held the odd parts They held the highlands And they were sharp As sharp as knives They wore the Pin of the Psi Corps They though they could beat us And waited for us to arrus to arrive And we would all go down together We said we'd all go down together Yes we would all go down Alexandra <>
CA USA - Friday, April 10, 1998 at 07:08:51 (EST)
Hi Rob, it's your big bro Simon, glad to see you added your baby picture to the galeria...amazing isn't it...I only had your picture on my page for about two days and then "poof" there it is on your page! Remember when we used to play "pong" for hours on that r hours on that black and white TV and then when ATARI, that was technology, but now..well it just blows my mind....see you at the airport...sure you can get up that early?
Simon Downes <>
Tokyo, Japan - Thursday, April 09, 1998 at 18:01:43 (EST)
Robin, I finally made it to your web site after a lot of trying. Whoever designed it did a great job. I am quite certain that you didn't get killed in that episode (don't ask how I know). Thanks for talking to my friends and I at the convention you made our day very wonderful. Thanks again, and take care.
Alexa McKinney <>
FL USA - Thursday, April 09, 1998 at 11:57:34 (EST)
Robin, Very Impressive. Thank you. I know you appriciate hearing from us but it means alot tp us to be able to let you know how much we enjoy your work. I heard about this website from a friend and have spent the last week trying to find it. Yup, I put a few things together and surprise...Just so you know, the wait was worth it. Thanks again for this site. I will be back.
Sara Beasoom <>
San Francisco, Ca USA - Wednesday, April 08, 1998 at 15:43:46 (EST)
Hello, Love this website the format is excellent. I was pleased to see you associated with the LOST HEROES comic! The artwork is beautiful and is certainly better than the BABYLON 5 Comics artwork. I have a feeling JMS will be lynched at this year's Rebelcon for killing off Byron (and Marcus). Cheers, Jo-el
Joellyn Crowley <>
Chelmsford, MA USA - Wednesday, April 08, 1998 at 04:50:19 (EST)
Hey everyone(Jeff,Robin,and everyone else invloved in putting together this page) The page looks great!
Iyanna Xanthalia Wolfspire <>
Philly, pa USA - Tuesday, April 07, 1998 at 13:14:00 (EST)
Hi Robin (don't call me Fabio): Looking Good!!! You and the site...and what a cuuuuute baby picture--that one could win a contest. Miss ya, hope to see you soon.
Cindy Wasserman
Newport Beach, CA USA - Tuesday, April 07, 1998 at 11:40:13 (EST)
Robin, JMS should be shot ~smirk~ for killing off your wonderful character. Shame on him! :) Alas, it blends well with the Christ-like image "Byron" held for the Telepaths. That fact doesn't make me feel any less disappointed. ~shrugs~ Hopefully, we'll see more brilliant work from you in the future. You've gained a new fan. Best wishes, sleep well and dream sweetly, Ish
Ayisha Hager <>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, April 06, 1998 at 14:15:28 (EST)
Hi Robin, I was surprised & pleased to receive a reply to my email. Thanks for giving me this link--the website is quite 'elegant.' "Phoenix Rising" was a very sad episode. Ever since the beginning of season 5 I thought we would be losing you. Still, it was difficult to watch this one. You played it very well, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who shed a tear over your goodbye scene. Hope to see you again.
Veronica <74733.2663>
Orange Park, FL USA - Monday, April 06, 1998 at 13:57:51 (EST)
What a beautiful site! Quite elegant!
Maria/Mai <>
Nashua, NH USA - Sunday, April 05, 1998 at 08:52:43 (EST)
What a beautiful site! Quite elegant!
Maria/Mai <>
Nashua, NH USA - Sunday, April 05, 1998 at 08:52:10 (EST)
Great Hair! Great acting! Hope JMS finds a way to bring you back.... You're too good to lose. els PS--I wondered why I kept "seeing" you in jeans and a starched white shirt, and then I read an interview where you said you were a California guy. It makes your "Byron" more impressive, that you went so far against typecasting!
els <>
Kingman, AZ USA - Saturday, April 04, 1998 at 13:21:31 (EST)
Who are you and why did you send me a link to this creepy site?
USA - Saturday, April 04, 1998 at 12:06:42 (EST)
Robin, shocked at Wednesday's show! Will sure miss ya, but I will definitely come back to "axiom".
Gina <>
USA - Saturday, April 04, 1998 at 10:01:59 (EST)
Good Evening I have made an appeal within the forum. Please read TO THOSE WHO CARE Thankyou Jeffrey
JEFFREY <JeffDownesnited Kingdom - Saturday, April 04, 1998 at 08:00:17 (EST)
Charlotte Downes <
C/o JeffDownes>
United Kingdom - Saturday, April 04, 1998 at 06:11:40 (EST)
This is your new pet Bennett. I hope you will be able to join us at RebelCon. I'll see what I can do to help. Sorry you had to go last night. REMEMBER BYRON!
Theresa Fortier <>
Salisbury, MA USA - Friday, April 03, 1998 at 12:58:22 (EST)
UK - Friday, April 03, 1998 at 07:15:41 (EST)
Prelate rules! did I just say that
Rob Prior <>
Toledo, OH USA - Thursday, April 02, 1998 at 09:10:47 (EST)
Robin, What a pleasant surprise awaited me Monday morning in my e-mail. Not one, but two responses from you. I will gladly contact the powers at RebelCon where I know JMS, John C. Flinn and others, behind the scenes types, are already scheduled (have been since last year), but it would be so wonderful if you could visit us, too. We met Pat there two years ago along with Rick Biggs. It's a great little con, just up the road from Boston. It is amazing how a television program has brought together this diverse group into an extended family. Welcome, and again, I love the look and feel of this site. Sincerely, m
Muriel Moore <>
Dover, NH USA - Thursday, April 02, 1998 at 06:36:58 (EST)
Okay okay I am doing this, *sheese* we don't even got seaso 5 in Norway but what the heck, your cute. So even though I am forsed by a guy to do this, I am DOING IT! :) Hmm, I want to thank you for your authograph, it was very sweet of you, I am not sure if you remember BubRamone, but him and me owns this Narn page to getter, remember "If I was not a telephat I would be a Narn" relax, Bud is doing most of the typing, he also got a very cool spell check program :) Hmm, anyway, Bud asked you to send a gal called Beate an authograph and here I am am *wavs* Nice to meet you, a true pleasur, and when I get my hands on my season 5 tapes I will make sure to look for you. Hmm, you know, I am not so in to long haird guys, spesaly blond, evrybody said you were blond, but THANK GOD you are not...I hope or else I am typing a real *no no* there is alot of buys here and lonh haird guys, so usaly those kind of guys don't impress me, but your cute kind of. Well, great page you got, I am sure you have heard that a 100 times by now :) Live long....and all that.... BU BYE :)
NaTala <>
OSLO, NORWAY - Thursday, April 02, 1998 at 03:08:11 (EST)
Thanks for the invitation to the site! It looks really teriffic so far. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!!!
Lisa Mueller <>
Clifton Park, NY USA - Thursday, April 02, 1998 at 02:47:31 (EST)
Purp made me do this!!! I almost feel like a traitor to Gairlbaid even visiting this site ;) I see Byronmania is taking shape... I hope it has as many lives as Beatlemania, me... I'll stick to the bald guy. :)
b5fanatic <>
Bloomington, TX USA - Thursday, April 02, 1998 at 02:44:32 (EST)
Dear Robin, Thank you for inviting us to visit your wonderful website. We plan to remain fans of your work and hope to see a good deal more of it in the future. Rebecca Moesta & Kevin J. Anderson (
Rebecca Moesta & Kevin J. Anderson
CO USA - Wednesday, April 01, 1998 at 07:31:01 (EST)
Your web site is among the best I've ever seen!!! I'm such a big fan of yours! Why do you have to die? I'm saving all my money to come to the convention in OHIO. I hear you are really nice and can play the guitar as well - is that true? Please respond - your faithful servant - ALL HAIL ZOD!
Mason Bendewald <>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Wednesday, April 01, 1998 at 07:19:23 (EST)
Hi everyone,

Great site and I think it's particularly great that Robin is taking time to comment to people's feedback. This is extemely fan friendly and I want say thank you to him as this means a lot to us the fans.

I found out about this web page because Robin e-mailed us at Toronto Trek to say some of you would like to see him at out convention. (Especially since we are having Canada's Unoffical Babylon 5 Wrap Party). Thank you to all of you who have suggested this to him and the positive feedback about our convention.

Stephen Christian <>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Wednesday, April 01, 1998 at 03:13:46 (EST)

Byron, This is a wonderful and magnificent site. It is a delightful and beautiful place to visit and read. And I do like the chat site too. I enjoy watching you on Babylon 5. Keep up the great work. --Lady Beth << smiles >> !! :)))
Lady_Beth <>
Irving, TX USA - Monday, March 30, 1998 at 05:01:44 (EST)
United Kingdom - Monday, March 30, 1998 at 02:48:03 (EST)
Good Show!
Gale Bozek <>
Glen Burnie, MD USA - Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 13:44:50 (EST)
Jeffrey Downes <>
USA - Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 06:02:39 (EST)
What a lovely site! The Celtic touches are gorgeous and so in keeping, somehow, with the character of Byron. A classy site for a classy character and actor! I especially welcome the opportunity to learn more about such a terrific actor. I have been enthralled by Byron since he first appeared in B5. I am looking forward to future episodes. I can't wait to see what JMS et. al have in store! On an non-B5 note, so *you* were the "Snake Man" from _Buffy_! Wow! I can't believe, Robin, you put yourself through all that makeup and prosthetic work. The Minbari makeup must have been a stroll in the park by comparison. I'd love to hear more about that role: how you got it, what it was like etc. As I said, I'll be back!
Sharon Cozens <>
North York, ON Canada - Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 02:11:03 (EST)
What a lovely site! The Celtic touches are gorgeous and so in keeping, somehow, with the character of Byron. A classy site for a classy character and actor! I especially welcome the opportunity to learn more about such a terrific actor. I have been enthralled by Byron since he first appeared in B5. I am looking forward to future episodes. I can't wait to see what JMS et. al have in store! On an non-B5 note, so *you* were the "Snake Man" from _Buffy_! Wow! I can't believe, Robin, you put yourself through all that makeup and prosthetic work. The Minbari makeup must have been a stroll in the park by comparison. I'd love to hear more about that role: how you got it, what it was like etc. As I said, I'll be back! I look forwardmation and
Sharon Cozens <>
North York, ON Canada - Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 02:09:11 (EST)
Robin, this is a superb site. I'm impressed, and intrigued, with your use of Celtic graphics here. I just wanted to tell you thanks again for being so gracious, kind and giving of yourself at ConQuest last weekend in Colorado Springs - the fans really appreciated it. I know I did. (I'm the guy who got back in the autograph line 3 times...>:)...Could you please pass along my thanks to Patricia too if you see her - even though I know B5 wrapped up shooting last week...I would appreciated it. Thanks a lot again, and we hope to see you swing back through Colorado in the not-too-distant future! Long live B5 (and spinoffs)...(ponder)... oh, and it was great meeting everyone from the Station there too...Bub Ramone, Mauchi, Mike, Moltar and Selene, too. Drop by my site if you're bored senseless. :) Take care, all! - Stephen/Lo-rien Stephen/Lo-rien (on the Station)
Stephen Kramer/Lo-rien <>
Colo. Springs, CO USA - Saturday, March 28, 1998 at 20:08:14 (EST)
Hey like the poems...I responded... To all those who enter... Welcome! Please return... we're updating daily! Byron
USA - Saturday, March 28, 1998 at 13:37:11 (EST)
Nice site for a nice guy and a great character. Good luck your future endeavors, Robin! Good job by the webmaster and the gang of creative consultants -- some of whom have recognizable handles for their user names. Babylon Don
Don Kinney <>
Boulder, CO USA - Thursday, March 26, 1998 at 17:31:04 (EST)
Wow! I'm a Medevalist and this is wonderful! Am enjoying the development of the Byron character in the 5th season of the B5 show. Continued success.
Dover, NH USA - Thursday, March 26, 1998 at 06:07:25 (EST)
Jeffrey Downes! Check out My added to poem....Get Byron to read it too :)
USA - Wednesday, March 25, 1998 at 09:02:34 (EST)
MACKAY, qld AUSTRALIA - Tuesday, March 24, 1998 at 18:37:50 (EST)
Very nice site. Worthy of our favorite male telepath! Robin's a powerful actor and a wonderful addition to B5. It will be exciting to follow his career, within B5 and beyond.
susan lynds <>
newport, or USA - Tuesday, March 24, 1998 at 11:51:52 (EST)
sheffield, Uk - Tuesday, March 24, 1998 at 07:58:55 (EST)
Great site for a great character! Can't wait to see what Byron and Lyta have in store for all of us!!
Sally Aaron <>
Columbia, SC USA - Tuesday, March 24, 1998 at 05:51:14 (EST)
I've been visiting at least once a day since St. Patrick's Day, and I have to say I've never seen such an exquisite site. Thanks to all who work so hard, but especially to Byron, for his wonderful work on a wonderful show, and his kind consideration to everyone of us "out here". Slainte! Elizabeth
Elizabeth MacNaughton <>
Ann Arbor, MI USA - Tuesday, March 24, 1998 at 01:26:40 (EST)
Hello Jeffrey Check out The Man and his Dream on the Forum "Purpy" Hehehehehe
USA - Tuesday, March 24, 1998 at 01:20:15 (EST)
Byron this is a great site. I have really enjoyed watching you on B5 and think you do a great job. Take care and continued success.
TX USA - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 14:48:31 (EST)
Hey there Robin so its happened again. The House of Kell or someone is looking down on you. The Lean Machine has Made it again..Be happy Late
UK - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 11:44:07 (EST)
ANGEL Your to kind to keep visiting and please, an Im from Byron is a pleasure to a lady like you Jeffrey
The United Kingdom - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 09:39:40 (EST)
Hey Byron! Your'e character rocks! Not only that, but you are a great guy. I trust all is well, see you soon!
Mike McCready <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 09:32:24 (EST)
Hey there Byron!
Mike McCready <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 09:30:24 (EST)
PURPY DEAR SURELY YOU OF ALL DID NOT DOUBT MY FORECAST OF LAST WEEK. MARKETING ON THE WEB IS A STRATEGY AND ART THAT FEW ARE BLESSED WITH.. IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING THAT WITHOUT BYRON ..WITHOUT ROBIN WE WOULD BE LOST BUT WE HAVE DONE IT AGAIN .. Surely Purpy there is something else happening here perhaps it is the will of the fans .. perhaps it is Byron .. but whatever it is has started rolling and now the machine will never stop, that I am sure of. Jeffrey
Jeffrey Downes <>
The United Kingdom - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 09:27:30 (EST)
I was visitor #911 last night....When I told some folks in mIRC One of them teased me that If I Called 911 Byron should answer. Hehehe This site is great and will get better as time passes. I look forward to seeing what is in store for this site. Now I'm Visitor 990 10 more and 1000 approaches. Yay!!
USA - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 08:01:17 (EST)
this is angel, back to visit again and again. truly a beautiful site!! you are one special person, and a great actor! just saw my first b5 this week. can't wait for the chat to be up and running. jeffrey, thank you for the "im" and for showing me the site. the best to you always.
diane <>
dearborn, mi USA - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 07:49:22 (EST)
A great Website for a Great Actor.
Valerie Legner <>
Aurora, CO USA - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 00:59:59 (EST)
I just want to sign Byron. This is an ehausting experiece. What a wonderful site.
A B5 Fan
Atlanta, USA - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 00:54:31 (EST)
Within your site Byron I feel a source of energy unlike any other site I have I have seen on the net. You seem to have the ability to put yourself into the site in an extraodinary manner. It is a pleasure to sign your Guestbook and I shall call again. The energy is really enormous everwhere!!! Thankyou for a wonderful place to be.
USA - Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 00:45:56 (EST)
Robin, I made it! I must have made transition at the same time! I MUST be in heaven! Where did they get these gorgeous Illuminations?! We LOVED you in Orlando! You were a BLAST! Hope to see you again and get you to really do some Shakespeare for us! Fans of Byron - Look out! You will have a GREAT time with him at his presentation! - Jennie S., Orlando
Jennie Spencer <>
Orlando, FL USA - Friday, March 20, 1998 at 16:14:06 (EST)
All I can say is "Wow, what a *beautiful* website!" The Keltic graphics, parchment background, and calligraphy are really classic and make this site a cut above most! I have definitely added this to my Hot List!
Penny <>
Nashua, NH USA - Thursday, March 19, 1998 at 19:19:54 (EST)
Great site. Its in my bookmarks now...
USA - Thursday, March 19, 1998 at 14:03:29 (EST)
Beautiful Site, Robin! Perfect tribute to a wonderful man and awesome actor. Cheers, Jeff! Unbelievable job!
Patricia Tallman
USA - Thursday, March 19, 1998 at 11:18:57 (EST)
Beautiful Site, Robin! Perfect tribute to a wonderful man and awesome actor. Cheers, Jeff! Unbelievable job!
Patricia Tallman
USA - Thursday, March 19, 1998 at 11:18:55 (EST)
Byron rules!! Great site..I can't wait to see more pictures:-)
LvByron <>
New Orleans, LAleans, LA USA - Wednesday, March 18, 1998 at 14:36:09 (EST)
Nearly fell out of my chair laughing when I saw this place(no insult intended). Only from B5 fans could come such a glorious display of classic good taste. Alas, how far we have fallen that such should be so great a rarity that it would shock the viewer . . . but yet high praises for it is also a joy to eye and soul!
Laurie (aka SnowEagle) <>
DeSoto, MO USA - Wednesday, March 18, 1998 at 02:33:13 (EST)
Love the Celtic look! Many thanks to Pica for steering me this way.
The Lady T <>
USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 17:43:56 (EST)
Thank you Doc for all the additions... Truly impressive... The convention in Orlando was a success... I met many wonderful people... I'm looking forward to this weekend in Colorado Springs!!! Look Forward to speeaking with all of you in the chat area... A big thank you to Sheer Panic Promotions in the U.K.!!! Thanks again Doc.... And thank you to all who enter... This site is for all of you! Byron Robin Atkin Downes
Byron <>
USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 15:44:52 (EST)
I truly am in love with this site! Doc has worked a miracle... All who enter are safe! This website is dedicated to all the fans of B5... You are unique... Intelligent, Kind, and forever searching for love and peace in the world and the universe... Welcome.... Byron
Byron <>
USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 15:40:07 (EST)
Came over to have a look based on Stacy's (Pica B5) recommendation on the AOL B5 folders. I'm impressed with the look of the site: distinctive, mysterious, quite in keeping with the character Robin has created for us. Compliments to all involved in the design. And thanks to Robin for creating such a lovely way to be in touch with the fans.
Carolyn Wheater <>
USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 13:36:21 (EST)
Robin, Site is great ! Passed the word on to my AOL Buddies. Thanks for all the fun at MEGACON, you were GREAT ! I will send you a copy of the picture. Stacy
Stacy <Pica B5 @>
Daytona Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 11:14:58 (EST)
Nice web site! Glad to see Robin is so keen on contact with his fans Please tell him here's one fan who's thrilled to see an actor of his caliber on TV! Looking forward to finding out his secrets....
Michele Gielis <Michele_Gielis @>
Cambridge, ma USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 04:05:27 (EST)
The page has a great look and I will be back to see more. I will be glued to the tv screen too to see if Byrons' angel will fly or fall. Great work and thanks again...
Tursi <>
big pine key, fl USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 00:44:27 (EST)
Very Nice. One thing may want to post a spoiler warning at the top of the pages to indicate what episode any viewer should really have seen up to. Otherwise very, very nice. Cheers
Rallas <>
Melbourne, vic Australia - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 17:29:14 (EST)
Baby pictures? that sounds Soooo Cute! Can you send Dr. Rock some baby Pictures Robin? You must have been a beautiful baby..... :)
USA - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 15:25:55 (EST)
To All but especially ANGEL. Thankyou for supporting The Axiom Organisation and Sheer Panic Promotions ! UK but essentially your man Byron ... Fans for it is you whom have made it possible and we are proud to tell you all that we have achieved 100 visitors over our target of 500 in seven working days and nights.. Byron we are all proud of you tonight.. You made it all possible.. Standby for this time next week we shall have exceeded 1000 .. A qualiification in itself of your Thespian arts.. Good Luck
Sheer Panic Promotions <>
UK - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 08:32:05 (EST)
kelt graphics are brill!!! luv it all...can't wait for the chat....
diane <>
Dearborn, MI USA - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 06:11:59 (EST)
exellent graphics, I'll call again
Ehwaz <>
Thurso, Caithness UK - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 05:57:30 (EST)
Most enjoyable Kelltic imigary.thankyou.
Norwich, GB - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 05:35:45 (EST)
I would like to say that the Graphical approach to this page is of considerable value to those of us who surf, then this Classic piece comes. Well done all deserve full credit, and by the number of visitors you are getting it. Seven days ago there were 50 odd visits recorded thats qualification enough.
Roger Elliot <>
UK - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 05:34:31 (EST)
It is nice to put a name with a face. Love the site. Congratulations.
Kellie <>
Newton Falls, Oh USA - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 05:25:13 (EST)
I think you are stunningly beautiful with a wonderful bone structure althought your lovely eyes look sad
Jenny <>
UK - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 04:51:17 (EST)
I love the site, and like your picture, they say a picture says a thousand words, well it does ! And it is nice to put a face to the name I see in the garden so often :)
Kristee <>
Tualation, Or USA - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 03:32:35 (EST)
If you wish to write things in a more organised manner there is now "The Forum" available from the main menu. It's a bit better equiped for discussion and is now Open for business. Go Fo It People.
Doctor Rock <>
Mayfield West, NSW Australia - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 01:10:07 (EST)
Kozue How nice to have you sign up for Byrons Newsletter and all the way from Japan.. What next.. Byron will send you the finest flowers Love Jeffrey
Sheer Panic Promotions ! UK <>
UK - Sunday, March 15, 1998 at 18:41:59 (EST)
Kozue How nice to have you sign uo for Byrons Newsletter and all the way from Japan. Byron will send you the finest flowers Love Jeffrey
Sheer Panic Promotions ! UK <>
UK - Sunday, March 15, 1998 at 18:40:22 (EST)
Hello, Robz! How ya doin? Thank you for the wonderful web page. We really enjoy it. Only thing that I wanna say is addition to your dramatic photos, could you include some baby pictures? Bye for now. Kozzy ;) wink!
Kozue Downes Masaka <>
Tokyo, Japan - Sunday, March 15, 1998 at 12:28:43 (EST)
These Byronnic Graphics from the house of kell are perfectly balanced to this page. I am deeply impressed and moved to see history created so accuratley
Roger Elliot
UK - Sunday, March 15, 1998 at 09:55:35 (EST)
Great graphics/photos - looks like a promising site
Philip Rougier <>
USA - Sunday, March 15, 1998 at 08:52:54 (EST)
TO ANWEN..Thankyou for your enquiry re BYRONS NEWSLETTER this will be released very soon. If youvery soon. If you would like to register just write a sort email to me..Byron thanks you!!
UK - Sunday, March 15, 1998 at 05:30:57 (EST)
TO ANWEN..Thankyou for your enquiry re BYRONS NEWSLETTER this will be released very soon. If you would like to register just write a sort email to me..Byron thanks you!!
USA - Sunday, March 15, 1998 at 05:30:27 (EST)
The Celtic imagery is exquisite. I am a big Celtic mythology fan. Is this to represent Byron's or Robin Atkin Downes' taste? What about this newsletter mentioned above? Where can I sign up?
ANwenn <>
USA - Sunday, March 15, 1998 at 02:13:53 (EST)
UK - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 23:40:28 (EST)
This is a graphically beautiful page. Course ... the subject matter has a lot to do with that!! :)
Kierana <>
VA USA - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 15:31:08 (EST)
One More and it's 500 Callers Whooop!!!!!!!!! Congrats in advance!!
USA - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 15:30:20 (EST)
Byron... if Purple, likes you, then you are ok in my book... Keep up the good w*rk...
Larz <>
Graham , NC USA - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 15:20:11 (EST)
If there is anything I can do Robin let me know........You've got permission to keep my edress.
USA - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 15:12:24 (EST)
UK - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 11:18:45 (EST)
UK - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 11:17:19 (EST)
Good Luck at the Florida convention..Look after all those great fans who have supported you with this small offering as against what is to come on .. ON BYRONS MAIN PAGE ..
Sheer Panic Promotions UK
UK - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 10:54:50 (EST)
Good Luck at the Florida convention..Look after all those great fans who have supported you with this small offering as against what is to come on .. ON BYRONS MAIN PAGE ..
Sheer Panic Promotions UK
UK - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 10:54:13 (EST)
Good Luck at the Florida convention..Look after all those great fans who have supported you with this small offering off as against what is to come on ..BYRONS MAIN PAGE..
Sheer Panic Promotions UK
UK - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 10:52:28 (EST)
What a beautiful website! I'm looking forward to con updates, new photos, and interviews. Keep up the great work! Congratulations, Robin, on an incredible character. Good luck! Nancy
Nancy Pedersen <>
USA - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 08:34:41 (EST)
a beautiful website! I'm looking forward to con updates, new photos, and interviews. Keep up the great work! Congratulations, Robin, on an incredible character. Good luck! Nancu

Nancy Pedersen <>
USA - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 08:34:07 (EST)
What a beautiful web site! I'm looking forward to con updates, new photos, and interviews. Congratulations on an incredible character. Good luck!
Nancy Pedersen < >
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 08:30:06 (EST)
Fandom needs more performers like Robin. In fear, other performers hide themselves away from their fans and vehemently guard their public image. Not Mr. Downes! He's out there in cyberspace lapping up the loving and adoring attention of the fans, even to the point of being indistinguishable from a fan himself. Who couldn't be a fan of that? Thanks for your performances and accessability, Mr. Downes!
Lisa D. Jenkins <>
Fargo, ND USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 20:17:47 (EST)
HI again:) Great Job Doc:) The Gallery looks good:) Robin: what the devil were you playing in that green lizard suit? LOL ya look great though, I esp LOVE that B/W "civi" pict:) Keep up the good work, Lisha:)
Aylisha <>
Arcata, CA USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 17:04:44 (EST)
Hello fellow Robin fans!! Join his fan club!! e-mail me at or with name, e-mail and/or snail mail! cheers! sjso
sjso <>
annapolis, md USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 14:16:28 (EST)
Chuck <>
USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 14:09:06 (EST)
Doc...The site just keeps getting better and better! Love the new pictures. Keep up the great work.
Bajele <>
USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 13:05:37 (EST)
Hello this is Just so you'll know There will be a Fanclub created for Robin Atkins Downes soon. Since this is the official site for Robin I figure this will be the best place to spread the word. A fellow station chatter Sjso had the idea.....More will be forthcoming.
Purple <>
USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 12:22:38 (EST)
Rather excellent !!!!
Lynne < />
Chester, UK - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 10:41:49 (EST)
good luck you handsome devil you.
Joan <JF>
St. Cloud, FL USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 09:22:18 (EST)
As a keen B5 addict Byron, really great pictures and The House as a theme. Keep it up!!!!!
Peter Yakamoto
Chicago, USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 08:27:29 (EST)
Val.You are doing a wonderful job as Byrons pa..he sure needs you during these heady days. The Doc has done a great job but BYRON...ARE THESE PICTURES .. MOVING .. WOW... Via Sheer Panic Productions UK... ( And We Are ) ...
Jeffrey Downes <>
UK - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 06:40:58 (EST)
Val.You are doing a wonderful job as Byrons pa..he sure needs you during these heady days. The Doc has done a great job but BYRON..Wow Via Sheer Panic Productions UK ( And We Are )
Jeffrey Downes <>
UK - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 06:35:09 (EST)
What in Heaven's name is that lizard looking creature in the Galeria Pictures?? It gave me the heebie jeebies...."Wobbie" is that you? Purple Shudders in terror. :)
USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 01:46:28 (EST)
Excellent !!!! Very nice work Doc, nice to see a friend recieving the respect deserved, oh and your ok too Byron. : )
Felinus bastet <>
newcastle, nsww australia - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 16:07:48 (EST)
Very interesting and unique webpage design.
Nicole Davis <>
memphis, tn USA - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 13:11:49 (EST)
Loved your page Byron, like B5 as well. I know your father as well!!!!!
Judith <>
Somerset, UK - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 09:30:59 (EST)
I really enjoyed the site. Your Character on Bab5 is very complex and I enjoy the depth that you bring out in him. Keep up the good work.
Chris Smith
USA - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 09:14:29 (EST)
This is a wicked cool site! Byron is my current favorite character on B5, I've been waiting for a site dedicated to him and Robin Atkin Brownes . . .
USA - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 08:32:01 (EST)
Good work Robin. I'm glad you got this up and running.. we at MarCon were starting to wonder if we needed to start a fan site for you. Continued success and we look forward to seeing you here in Columbus in May.
Jack Needles <>
Columbus, OH USA - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 07:41:18 (EST)
Robin: Congratulations on all of your success. It couldn't happen to a more talented and deserving actor. Everyone here at Temple Theaters wishes you continued health, love and success. Regards, Debbi
Debbi <>
Phila, PA USA - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 05:51:25 (EST)
nice website, but a note to you on your frames,add the line scrolling="no" you just have on link there that never changes. you should also add border="0" to you image file so there no blue border on the page but it look very good.As for babylon 5 welcome to the show you character is looking to be an interesting twist to the show. good luck on all your project's (Eric think's there for you are)Take care
Eric Hernandez <>
Ca USA - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 05:39:32 (EST)
site loohursday, March 12, 1998 at 05:39:32 (EST)
site looks cool! lets see some pics in the fx makeup!!!!! Keep up the good work...
mike gonzo <>
USA - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 05:17:28 (EST)
Jeffrey Downes and the Staff <>
UK.. - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 23:45:23 (EST)
Robin This is an outstanding effort .. we are proud of you man..We are going for 500 by Sunday 15th..hold on to your hat!!!...Roland..Tarrence..Quentin..Charlotte..and the Boss. <>.
Jeffrey Downes and the Staff <>
UK.. - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 23:39:58 (EST)
Robin This an outstanding effort .. we are proud of you man..We are going for 500 by Sunday 15th..hold on to your hat!!!...Roland..Tarrence..Quentin..Charlotte..and the Boss. But do not tell him!!! <>.
Jeffrey Downes and the Staff <>
UK.. - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 23:37:42 (EST)
Hey Rob! Talk about blowing me away first thing in the morni.. ..its not morning?..... So who cares if I woke up at 4pm..., I'm on vaccation...(yeah, bu.?) Keep up the good work, can't wait to see the new footage, talk to you soon, simon
Simon Downes <>
Tokyo, Japan - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 18:15:59 (EST)
Very nice site, Doctor Rock, many thanks. Looking forward to visiting often. The Book of Kells is a wonderful setting for a very good actor. I was not surprised to see a couple of entries from Robin, a very nice man who takes the time to answer his fan mail.
Kelly Joyce <>
San Francisco, Ca USA - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 17:32:43 (EST)
Like it a lot so far, Can't wait for more. The Book of Kells look is a nice touch.
carol horen <>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 15:17:56 (EST)
Thank you to all those who have visited... Many additions are yet to come soon! Audio More pictures... Talk to you soon... Byron
Byron <>
LA, USA - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 14:08:46 (EST)
The color scheme, graphics, and lay out are wonderful! It is rather slow to download. Maybe you can make one non-frames version with less graphics for a quicker download, and you could use this one as a frames version. The link to the non-frames version and the frames version could be on the same page. It could be on a an introduction page, like the one labeled "Bryan's Teeps", only it wouldn't have the bar at the bottom with 'enter, main, and page on it. I would also love to see a page that would focus on the actor's stage and screen works. The link to it could be called Robin Ackin Oownes. And another page that describes the character called Byron. This is a great start for a page. Keep up the good work. : ) --yaler
Yaler Smith <>
Eau Claire, WI USA - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 12:45:45 (EST)
Great job, Doc! Keep up the good work. Your site fits in with the feeling of the character well. Look forward to seeing more as it develops. :)
Las Cruces, USA - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 12:03:53 (EST)
Congrats on reaching two hundred sixty one...I can't wait to see what ideas Robin has to improve the site.... Hello Robin Anyway :)
Purple <>
USA - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 10:58:54 (EST)
To those of us crying in our beer since the death of Marcus, you are a welcome sight! Keep up the good work!
USA - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 10:05:32 (EST)
So we made it ...... Congratulations to all involved .... we or you have exceeded 250.. Well Done Via Sheer Panic Promotions UK.
Sheer Panic Promotions
UK... - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 09:46:27 (EST)
Congratulations on your visitors 216!! this must be the fastest developing site on the web ... and still under construction
UK - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 02:26:57 (EST)
I've been a B5 Fan from day one. Welcome on board. Hope you are enjoying the ride.
Jan Robb <>
Hillsborough, CA USA - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 02:08:02 (EST)
What a gorgeous site! The illiminations are extraordinary! A bit slow in loading, but definitely worth the wait. Now, when are we going to get some details? (smile) Keep up the good work, I'll check up on y'all later...
Valerie Terrell <>
Fayettev Fayetteville, AR USA - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 23:06:09 (EST)
What a gorgeous site! The illiminations are extraordinary! A bit slow in loading, but definitely worth the wait. Now, when are we going to get some details? (smile) Keep up the good work, I'll check up on y'all later...
Valerie Terrell <>
Fayetteville, AR USA - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 23:03:35 (EST)
Robin .. aease of 150% in 36hours Doc and you have a Wow of a site
USA - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 22:16:52 (EST)
Doc the site is totally rocking and guess what I'm visitor number 157! k57
Manhattan, USA - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 16:19:53 (EST)
NICE ONE PIP!!!!! Keep him at it Love Sheer Panic Promotions UK
Sheer Panic Promotions <>
UK - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 07:28:37 (EST)
Byron... Congratulations to tous pour la page .. pour le illustration's. Champagne pour tous .. tien. Claude. Route.. Sheer Panic Promotions UK
Claude Dupont <Via>
France - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 07:21:06 (EST)
Robin, Bon Soir Excuse.. La Character Byron magnifique ... Bon Chance Route via Sheer Panic Promotions UK.
Jaques Chicha <>
France - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 06:49:19 (EST)
Urgent Translation.......Byron .. This is a quality we have all been waiting for at this far flung office...Cannot wait..CBS..Berlin Sibmit Via ..Sheerlin Sibmit Via ..Sheer Panic Promotions .. UK Office..
Jeffrey Downes <>
UK - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 06:31:38 (EST)
I think you're just the best EVER.
Chris Campolongo <>
USA - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 05:22:13 (EST)
Robin. As your official Agent for the UK and Europe I need you to concentrate on detail and spelling as a prerequisite prior to release 'One'. Saturation marketing 'UK' commences April 1st followed by Europe.....Sheer Panic Promotions
Jeffrey Downes <>
United Kingdom - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 02:55:24 (EST)
Although Byron's character is mystical, warm and exciting, he is still not half the man and quite as lovely as the real Byron, Robin Atkin Downes. I am so proud of you and although I have never been a sci-fi fan, I have seen the error of my ways and since become a Babylon 5 fan. Love Valerie.
Valerie Morehouse
Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, March 09, 1998 at 16:31:52 (EST)
Your Web Site is Fantastic, I look forward to more info on your next project,
Sandra Knight <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Sunday, March 08, 1998 at 14:40:10 (EST)
nice site, doc; well done! robin deserves the best!
mist <>
USA - Sunday, March 08, 1998 at 14:26:37 (EST)
Cool Site so far Rock Love it love it love it
Purple <>
USA - Sunday, March 08, 1998 at 14:15:28 (EST)
Hello Byron and Friends ~/\~ Peace & Love To All That Come Here. And May The Feel Good Factor Be With You :)
SallyAnn <>
London, England - Sunday, March 08, 1998 at 10:12:34 (EST)
HI Robin, glad to meet....keep up the good work
Penny Trueman <>
USA - Sunday, March 08, 1998 at 09:24:02 (EST)
Fantastic Page so far DR, keep up the good work, can't wait to see more
Mike <>
Colo. Springs, CO USA - Sunday, March 08, 1998 at 00:45:00 (EST)
TESTING TESTING Look's GREAT Doc. Keep up the good work. Wish you were doing THE STATION.
Gary (KF6FJQ) <>
Haward, CA USA - Saturday, March 07, 1998 at 23:01:53 (EST)
Great so far. Hope to see more graphics soon. Love those pictures of Robin!
Sandra Bruckner <>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, March 07, 1998 at 21:28:17 (EST) two three...testing..LOL, I guess it does work Doc:) good job so far:)
Aylisha <>
Arcata, CA USA - Saturday, March 07, 1998 at 18:46:26 (EST)
This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If you read this, it works. Why am I typing this.
Doctor Rock <>
USA - Saturday, March 07, 1998 at 18:09:32 (EST)
